The Future of Michigan’s Weather Dr. Jeff Masters Director of Meteorology The Weather Underground, Inc.

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Presentation on theme: "The Future of Michigan’s Weather Dr. Jeff Masters Director of Meteorology The Weather Underground, Inc."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Future of Michigan’s Weather Dr. Jeff Masters Director of Meteorology The Weather Underground, Inc.

2 Education: University of Michigan B.S. in Meteorology, 1982 M.S. in Meteorology, 1983 Thesis: “A Characterization of the Detroit Wintertime Aerosol” Ph.D. in Meteorology, 1997 Thesis: “Vertical Transport of Carbon Monoxide by Wintertime Mid-Latitude Cyclones” Me

3 Served as Flight Meteorologist for NOAA’s Aircraft Operations Center, 1986 - 1990 Correction of Inertial Navigation with Loran-C on NOAA's P-3 AircraftCorrection of Inertial Navigation with Loran-C on NOAA's P-3 Aircraft A Record Minimum Sea Level Pressure Observed in Hurricane GilbertA Record Minimum Sea Level Pressure Observed in Hurricane Gilbert Wind Measurement From AircraftWind Measurement From Aircraft Flying Into the Eye of a HurricaneFlying Into the Eye of a Hurricane Meteorology at BrockportMeteorology at Brockport Publications:

4 My Hurricane Hugo flight:

5 Borden and Cutter, 2008













18 Sleeping outside on Belle Isle, 1936 heat wave Expect a Much Increased Chance of Deadly Heat Waves




22 The Number #1 Natural Disaster Threat in Michigan: a Catastrophic Geomagnetic Storm Probability: 26% in the next 30 years X-22 Class Solar Flare of April 2, 2001—Strongest Solar Flare on Record


24 Transformer at Salem Nuclear Plant fried by geomagnetic storm in 1989

25 A geomagnetic storm like the Carrington Event of 1859 or the 1921 storm would likely cause a collapse of the U.S. power system lasting years

26 Michigan’s weather for the coming century: Expect the Unprecedented Chicago’s Lakeshore Drive, February 2, 2011

27 Snowmaggedon: February 2010 41 killed, $2.4 billion damage

28 Hurricane Igor as seen from the International Space Station 2010: A Year of Incredible Weather Events

29 Coldest January-February in Florida since at least 1937 in Florida since at least 1937

30 January 2010: Strongest winter storm on record wallops Southwest U.S.

31 Winter Storm Xynthia 63 killed, $3 billion damage

32 Brazilian Tropical Storm Anita

33 Warmest and wettest March in Rhode Island history $1.5 billion damage in floods

34 Rio de Janeiro floods, April 2010 256 killed, $0.2 billion damage

35 May 2010 Tennessee floods 30 killed, $2.4 billion damage

36 Cyclone Phet: 2 nd strongest ever in Arabian Sea 44 killed, $ 0.8 billion damage

37 Tropical Storm Agatha hits Guatemala 317 killed, $1.1 billion damage

38 China summer floods and landslides 4048 killed, $19 billion damage

39 Monsoon floods cause worst natural disaster in Pakistan’s history; 1985 killed, $10 billion damage

40 Russian heat wave and drought 55,800 killed, $15 billion damage

41 Hurricane Igor: Newfoundland’s worst hurricane in memory 3 killed, $ 0.2 billion damage

42 Hurricane Karl: first major hurricane ever in Bay of Campeche 22 killed, $0.2 billion damage

43 Cyclone Giri, strongest tropical cyclone on record to hit Myanmar 157 killed, $ 0.4 billion damage

44 Super Typhoon Megi: 8 th strongest tropical cyclone in world history 69 killed, $ 0.7 billion damage

45 October 22, 955 mb super-cyclone: Strongest non-coastal storm in U.S. history

46 Hurricane Tomas: latest hurricane on record so far south 44 killed, $ 0.35 billion damage

47 Floods cause worst natural disaster in Colombia’s history 571 dead, $1 billion damage

48 Queensland, Australia floods 35 killed, $30 billion damage

49 January 2011: Rio de Janeiro flood Deadliest natural disaster in Brazil’s history 900+ killed, $1.2 billion damage

50 January 2011: 100-year flood in Sri Lanka 43 killed, $0.5 billion damage

51 Arctic sea ice extent, Sep. 19, 2010, 3 rd lowest on record 2010: A year of remarkable climate events

52 2010: Earth’s warmest year in history

53 2010: Earth’s wettest year in history

54 Winter of 2009 – 2010: most extreme Arctic Oscillation pattern in the 145-year record leads to severe winter in Europe and Eastern U.S., but Canada’s warmest and driest winter ever Snow covers the U.K., January 7, 2010

55 A strong El Niño and a strong La Niña in the same year

56 Amazon’s 2 nd 100-year drought in 5 years

57 2010: Greenland’s warmest year in history

58 Greenland’s Petermann Glacier calves 100-square mile ice island

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