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EuroGOOS Annual Meeting 2009/10/06-2009/10/08 ESONET All Regions Workshop 2009, October 5-7 th, Paris Integrating and Enhancing the European capacity for.

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Presentation on theme: "EuroGOOS Annual Meeting 2009/10/06-2009/10/08 ESONET All Regions Workshop 2009, October 5-7 th, Paris Integrating and Enhancing the European capacity for."— Presentation transcript:

1 EuroGOOS Annual Meeting 2009/10/06-2009/10/08 ESONET All Regions Workshop 2009, October 5-7 th, Paris Integrating and Enhancing the European capacity for open ocean observation: EuroSITES contribution: current status, global context and future vision Dr. Kate Larkin, NOC, Southampton, UK

2 - EU FP7 Collaborative Project - 3 years: April 1 st 2008 – March 31 st 2011 - Coordination: NOCS, UK - 13 partners (7 EU, 1 ICPC) - open ocean (>1000m) - Full depth, in situ: Ocean interior, seafloor and subseafloor

3 Moorings EuroSITES is integrating and enhancing 9 existing deep ocean (>1000m) fixed point time-series across Europe

4 ESTOC TENATSO Norwegian Margin Porcupine Ligurian Sea Eastern Mediterranean EuroSITES and ESONET/EMSO: 4 Common regions

5 Multidisciplinary time-series Vertical coverage: Surface to seafloor *Physical (e.g. T, S, currents) Biogeochemical and ecosystem variables (e.g. *Nutrients, *chl-a, * O 2 ) - Carbon variables (e.g. *CO 2, pH, Particle flux) Seafloor - Benthic biology - *Geohazards *Real-time telemetry

6 Example of EuroSITES time-series data e.g. Porcupine Abyssal Plain (PAP)

7 EuroSITES time-series data: NE Atlantic, pCO 2, 2003-2004 (Körtzinger et al. 2007)

8 EuroSITES is a regional implementation of OceanSITES, an essential component of GOOS EuroSITES

9 Future vision: List of Minimal Variable Set for OceanSites (MOIN) 1.Water current at 15m depth 2.CTD in and below upper mixed layer (UML) (>10 sensors) 3.pCO 2 near surface 4.O 2 in and below UML (~ 6 sensors) 5.Nitrate (one in UML and one below it) 6.Irradiance (above water and at two in situ depths)

10 OceanSITES Vision map for core variables EuroSITES

11 Direct link with ESONET WP3 Scientific activities: Towards a standardised set of core environmental variables

12 Moorings EuroSITES also promotes the research and development of deep ocean observation

13 Moorings Science missions: Water Column e.g. Ocean acidification (ULPGC) - long-term autonomous pH time-series - photometric pH sensor - Deployed in shallow waters at ESTOC site - Links with EPOCA and CARBOOCEAN e.g. Deep ocean oxygen consumption ( CNRS) - in situ measurement of O 2 dynamics (to 6000 m) - Oxygen Dynamic Auto-sampler (IODA6000). - Deployments at: cabled ANTARES site (2200m), PAP site (moored, drifting) and DYFAMED (2010) - Links with HYPOX. - ESONET-EMSO: Porcupine Node and Ligurian Sea

14 Moorings Science missions: Seafloor and Subseafloor e.g. Tsunami detection (HCMR) - Autonomous deep sea platform at 2000m depth, October 2008 - Poseidon-Pylos site; SE Ionian Sea - high accuracy pressure sensor - Part of POSEIDON-II project and Greek National Buoy System. - ESONET-EMSO: Eastern Mediterranean node e.g. Earthquake and subsurface fluid migration (NERC-NOCS; HCMR; IFM-GEOMAR) -Seabed observatory, Patras, Greece, 200m depth, May 2009 -flow meter, a seismometer and a data logger. -ESONET-EMSO: Eastern Mediterranean node e.g. Benthic biology monitoring (NERC-NOCS) - Benthic fauna monitoring as indicators of climate change - Porcupine Abyssal Plain (PAP) at 4800 m depth - ESONET-EMSO: Porcupine node

15 ESTOC TENATSO The way forward through integration. 1. Regional, collaborative science Norwegian Margin Porcupine Ligurian Sea Eastern Mediterranean EuroSITES and ESONET/EMSO: 4 Common regions

16 In situ collaboration - ESONET DM MODOO, NE Atlantic -Link to existing EuroSITES time-series infrastructure Mobile and mOdulary Deep Ocean Observatory (MODOO) - Porcupine Abyssal Plain (PAP) Link water column, seafloor, and sub- seafloor observatories for more comprehensive science applications. Partners: IFM-GEOMAR, NOCS, NIOZ, MRI, UNIAB, AWI 350.000 € May 2009 – October 2010 Associated project: MODOO Connect

17 Central Irminger Sea: A future international collaboration site? Planned OOI infrastructure: Courtesy of Oscar Schofield Link with existing EuroSITES water column mooring at CIS

18 From OO’09 talk on Data Management: The way forward: Steve Hankin, NOAA/PMEL The way forward through integration. 2. Data management

19 International integration: Towards Ocean information for society

20 Data management - Common data policy - Real-time delivery - QC data (data/metadata) - Interchangeable format (OceanSITES NetCDF) - Open access to data: GDACS (e.g. CORIOLIS)

21 Moorings EuroSITES (as part of OceanSITES) contributes to GEO through MCS, EMODNET and GOOS working towards an operational system for multidisciplinary ocean monitoring and forecasting.

22 Data management e.g. Central Irminger Sea

23 Data management CORIOLIS, Ifremer: OceanSITES GDAC

24 Services and products: EuroSITES: a key in situ data provider to MyOcean e.g. Marine Resources. Cape Verde physical variables Slide from Pierre Bahurel: OO’09 MyOcean talk. Venice 25/9/09

25 Now……Continue to enhance interactions and foster direct collaborations with existing initiatives to contribute to GOOS and to the Group on Earth Observations (GEO).

26 After 2011……Future European funding opportunities towards a more integrated, sustained and operational network?

27 Thank you Coordinator: Professor Richard Lampitt: Dr. Kate Larkin: From OceanSITES

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