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CS 4001Mary Jean Harrold1 Class 11 ŸVisualization of data (cont’d) ŸDiscussion of Tufte paper ŸWriting arguments discussion ŸAssignment ŸWA Ch 4: 9/27.

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Presentation on theme: "CS 4001Mary Jean Harrold1 Class 11 ŸVisualization of data (cont’d) ŸDiscussion of Tufte paper ŸWriting arguments discussion ŸAssignment ŸWA Ch 4: 9/27."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS 4001Mary Jean Harrold1 Class 11 ŸVisualization of data (cont’d) ŸDiscussion of Tufte paper ŸWriting arguments discussion ŸAssignment ŸWA Ch 4: 9/27 ŸAssignment 7:

2 CS 4001Mary Jean Harrold2 Visual and Statistical Thinking

3 CS 4001Mary Jean Harrold3 Discussion of Tufte Paper 1.Why does Tufte say we look for causal explanations? 2.In presenting his argument about the cause of the cholera outbreak, Snow used what Tufte called clear logic of data display and analysis. List and briefly explain two aspects of this method.

4 CS 4001Mary Jean Harrold4 Clear and Logical Display and Analysis 1.Place the data in an appropriate context for assessing cause and effect 2.Make quantitative comparisons— compared with what? 3.Consider alternative explanations and contrary cases—trying to get it right 4.Assess possible errors in the numbers reported in graphics.

5 CS 4001Mary Jean Harrold5 Discussion of Tufte Paper (cont’d) 3.In discussing the charts presented by Morton-Thiokol engineers in their argument not to launch the Challenger, Tufte identified a number of problems.

6 CS 4001Mary Jean Harrold6 Discussion of Tufte Paper (cont’d) 4.Tufte discusses right ways and wrong ways to show data, and uses the charts prepared for presentation to the presidential commission investigating the explosion as an example of “what not to do.”

7 CS 4001Mary Jean Harrold7 Discussion of Tufte Paper (cont’d) 5.What was Tufte’s major complaint about the “experiment” performed before the presidential commission investigating the explosion by physicist Richard Feynman? What suggestion did he make about how it could have been done differently and more scientifically?

8 CS 4001Mary Jean Harrold8 Discussion of Tufte Paper (cont’d) Most important lesson about the use of evidence for decision making: Story-telling, weak analogies, selective reporting, warped displays, and anecdotes are not enough. Reliable knowledge frows from evidence that is collected, analyzed, and displayed with some good comparisons in view.

9 CS 4001Mary Jean Harrold9 Writing Arguments (Chapter 3)

10 CS 4001Mary Jean Harrold10 Tips for Improving the Writing Process (1) ŸWhere and how do you start to write an argument? ŸWho can make change, what are obstacles,…? ŸExploratory will help ŸDiscuss with others ŸHow do you explore, research, rehearse? ŸAudience important ŸWhy will your views be threatening to others, not agree, etc.? ŸContinue to discuss with others, especially those who don’t agree; use them as sounding board

11 CS 4001Mary Jean Harrold11 Tips for Improving the Writing Process (2) ŸOutline is important ŸI sometimes start with a bunch of things I want to say somewhere but not sure where ŸI write them all down and then try to organize them ŸI then try to think of the flow of the argument or paper by writing a sentence that tells what a paragraph or section will contain ŸI then try to expand this ŸI try to talk to a colleague about my argument to see if he/she is convinced ŸFinally, I write a draft

12 CS 4001Mary Jean Harrold12 Tips for Improving the Writing Process (3) ŸRough draft (all about the flow of the argument) ŸDon’t worry about grammar, etc. at first—can polish later ŸWhat else? ŸHow should you revise your paper (now think about grammar)? ŸRead out loud—mistakes show up easier ŸSpell and grammar ŸGet someone to proofread (difficult) ŸUnderstand that to get a good paper, it takes many iterations to revise, restructure, rewrite

13 CS 4001Mary Jean Harrold13 WA: Using Exploratory Writing 1.Free writing or Blind Writing 2.Idea Mapping 3.Playing the Believing/Doubting Game ŸBeliever: wholly sympathetic to the idea, listen carefully, identify all ways that idea might appeal to different audiences, and all reasons for believing the idea ŸDoubter: be judgmental and critical, find faults, find counterexamples and inconsistencies that undermine the idea

14 CS 4001Mary Jean Harrold14 Class Exercise Claim: Violence on the Web and in computer games is responsible for shootings in schools? 1.Play the believing and doubting game with the above claim by free writing for five minutes trying to believe the claim and then for five minutes to doubt the claim OR 2.Make an idea map by creating a believing spoke and a doubting spoke off the main hub. Instead of free writing, enter ideas onto your idea map, moving back and forth between believing and doubting. Name

15 CS 4001Mary Jean Harrold15 WA: Using Exploratory Writing 4.Brainstrorming for Pro/Con Because Clauses ŸState reasons for and against claim 5.Brainstrorming a Network of Related Issues ŸIdentify related issues (sub issues, side issues, larger issues)

16 CS 4001Mary Jean Harrold16 Group/Class Exercise Claim: ISP providers should be required by law to keep records on the real identify of all users. 1.Working with 2-3 others, generate pro and con because clauses supporting and attaching the claim. 2.Discuss because clauses with rest of class. 3.Now brainstorm about related issues (sub, side, larger) Name

17 CS 4001Mary Jean Harrold17 Shaping Your Argument: Introduction Classical Argument 1.Exordium (get audience attention) 2.Narratio (provides needed background) 3.Propositio (introduce speakers thesis) 4.Partitio (forecasts the main parts of the speech) Homelier Terms 1.Dramatic story or startling statistic 2.Focus on issue—state as question, summarize opposing views Contextualize by providing background, explaining context, etc. 3.Present thesis 4.Forecasts argument’s structure

18 CS 4001Mary Jean Harrold18 Shaping Your Argument: Body, Conclusion Classical Argument 5.Confirmatio (presents writer’s position) 6.Confutatio (refutes opposing views 7.Peroratio (sums up argument, calls for actions, leaves strong lasting impression) Homelier Terms 5.Main body of essay, present reasons and evidence supporting claims, tie reasons to audience’s values, beliefs, and assumptions; usually a paragraph for each 6.Also refutes others claims, shows weakness in them, be fair and complete May put refute first, depending on audience 7.Close, sum up, strong lasting impression, call for action

19 CS 4001Mary Jean Harrold19 Discovering Ideas and Deepening Thinking Exploration and Rehearsal 1.What issue do you plan to address in this argument? ŸOne sentence question ŸReword in several ways ŸSelect best one 2.Now write out your tentative answer to the question. ŸThis is tentative answer ŸWrite more than one; these will be alternative claims that others might consider 3.Why is this issue controversial? ŸIs there sufficient evidence to resolve the issue

20 CS 4001Mary Jean Harrold20 Assignment 9 ŸDiscuss assignment 9.

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