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Chapter 9 Cellular Respiration Review. The process of breaking down glucose to release energy and produce CO 2 and H 2 O in the presence of Oxygen is.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 9 Cellular Respiration Review. The process of breaking down glucose to release energy and produce CO 2 and H 2 O in the presence of Oxygen is."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 9 Cellular Respiration Review

2 The process of breaking down glucose to release energy and produce CO 2 and H 2 O in the presence of Oxygen is called…

3 Cellular respiration

4 The first stage of cellular respiration is called…..

5 Glycolysis

6 Glycolysis breaks down Glucose to produce this 3 carbon end-product.

7 Pyruvate

8 During glycolysis, this electron carrier _____________picks-up two electrons to become this molecule___________.

9 NAD+ and NADH

10 The process of glycolysis starts with an input of energy in the form of …….

11 ( 2 ) ATP

12 The net yield of energy from glycolyis is ___ ATP and _____electron carriers in the form of NADH

13 2 ATP and 2 NADH

14 In the presence of oxygen, the metabolism of pyruvate continues in this organelle….

15 Mitochodrion

16 Specifically within this area of the mitochondrion

17 matrix

18 Within the matrix, the second stage of respiration occurs, namely……

19 The Krebs Cycle

20 In the Krebs cycle, each of the 3 carbons contained in pyruvate eventually leave the cycle in the form of …..

21 Carbon dioxide

22 Importantly, for each pyruvate that enters the cycle, 4 electron carriers __________ and 1 electron carrier __________ are produced.

23 NADH and FADH 2

24 The electron carriers then pass off the high energy electrons to this, ______________the third stage of cellular respiration.

25 The Electron Transport Chain The “ETC”

26 The ETC uses the energy of the electrons to pump ___ from the matrix to the inter-membrane space.

27 H+ ions

28 The electrons at the end of the ETC, now depleted of energy, combine with __________ and _________ to form ____________.

29 Oxygen and (2) H+ to form WATER

30 The Hydrogen ions, diffuse through the _____________ to allow the formation of __________.

31 ATP synthase, ATP

32 The overall equation for cellular respiration is ___________.

33 C 6 H 12 O 6 + 6O 2  6CO 2 and 6H 2 O

34 In the absence of Oxygen, glycolysis is followed by _______________.

35 Fermentation

36 Cells like yeast that contain the proper enzymes, ferment glucose to form alcohol, this type of fermentaion is called …..

37 Alcoholic fermentation

38 Humans and bacteria that make yogurt produce another product through fermenataion, namely _______.

39 Lactic acid

40 What do sauerkraut wine and beer all have in common?

41 All are produced through fermentation.

42 The reason cells must ferment is that for glycolysis to continue, _________ must be regenerated.

43 NAD+

44 Glycolysis and fermentaion take place in this area of the cell…..

45 cytosol

46 The net gain of ATP using cellular respiration is _______ ATP per input glucose.

47 38

48 The net gain of ATP through fermentation is _____________

49 (2) ATP

50 Compared to the amount of energy trapped in glucose, cellular respiration is only about ____________% efficient.

51 45%

52 Fermentation is far less efficient with only about a _______% efficiency compared to glucose.

53 3-4%

54 In humans, quick energy is supplied by_____________.

55 Lactic Acid Fermentation

56 In humans, energy for a longer, evenly paced race is supplied by ____________.

57 Cellular respiration


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