Military Impacted Schools Association Cathy Williams Director of Communications (402) 293-4000

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1 Military Impacted Schools Association Cathy Williams Director of Communications (402) 293-4000

2 Military Impacted Schools Association Founded 1986 Funding Legislation Partnerships Smooth transitions for military families Bottom line: If we do it right for military—we will do it right for all children

3 Military Impacted Schools Association Interstate Compact SOAR Military One Source Using technology to connect our families

4 Military kids say good-bye to more significant people by age 18 than most adults do in a lifetime. The average military family moves 9 times over a 20-year career. Transition

5 Since 9/11, over 1.3 million service members—including active duty, guard, and reserves have deployed for overseas operations. Deployments can take anywhere from 6 to 15 months. Many of our servicemen are on their 5 th and 6 th deployment. Deployment

6 Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunities for Military Children Cooperative effort of DoD, Council of State Government, 18 organizations Enacted in 26 states LB 73, on General File in Nebraska

7 Interstate Compact

8 Common legislation that provides: Uniform treatment of military children Ensures that no child is penalized because a parent receives an assignment to another base or is deployed

9 Interstate Compact Who is eligible? Children of:  Active duty members of the uniformed services  National Guard and Reserve on active duty orders  Veterans of uniformed services who are severely injured and medically discharged or retired for a period of one year  Members of the uniformed services who die on active duty as a result of injuries sustained on active duty for a period of one year after death

10 Interstate Compact  Enrollment Transfer of Records Immunization Age of Enrollment  Eligibility Power of Attorney Tuition Extra Curricular Activities

11 Interstate Compact  Placement Course placement Special education services  Graduation Exit Exams Transfer during senior year

12 Military One Source  24/7 world-wide service  No cost  Active duty, guard, reserve and family members  Staffed by masters-level consultants

13 Military One Source  Face to face counseling  12 sessions per person/per issue  Customized research  Translation Assistance (150 languages)  Educational Materials  Free ACT / SAT prep software

14 Military One Source 1-800-342-9647 Anywhere, Anytime 24/7

15 Student Online Achievement Resources Developed by:  Military Impacted Schools Association  Princeton Review  US Skills  University of Northern Iowa

16 Student Online Achievement Resources  Students in grades 3-12  Focus on math and language arts  Assessments aligned to  State standards  DoD standards  Tutorials to reinforce and review skills  Video tutorials

17 How can we help connect military children/families?  Website  Include information on school, what parents can do before they arrive, welcome video prepared by students  Ambassador/Welcome Club  Graduation ceremony online  Use  For classroom/military connection  For parent/student/teacher conferences

18 Military Impacted Schools Association

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