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Unit 3: Political Parties TSSBAT: Evaluate the influence of special interests on the political process.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 3: Political Parties TSSBAT: Evaluate the influence of special interests on the political process."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 3: Political Parties TSSBAT: Evaluate the influence of special interests on the political process.

2 Political Party Any organization that seeks to achieve political power by electing members to public office so that their political philosophies can be reflected in public policies.

3 Anti-Federalists vs. Federalists Federalists: Hamiltonians Supported the new constitution. Anti-Federalists The Anti-Federalists did not want to ratify the Constitution.


5 2 party system: Democrats vs. Republicans Democrats Favor: Higher tax More government Liberal Republicans Favor: Lower tax Less government Conservative

6 Third Parties

7 Primary Election Each party chooses it’s person to run. They narrow it down to just one

8 Incumbent The person who already has the office that they’re running for.

9 Open Primary vs. Closed Primary Should you have to pick a party in order to vote? Spoiler effect

10 Plurality Largest number of votes received by any candidate. For example: Skittles = 5 M&M’s = 3 Twix = 4 Snickers = 7 Suckers = 4

11 Majority More than half of a voting sample. Skittles = 25 M&M’s = 3 Twix = 4 Snickers = 7 Suckers = 4

12 Electoral College Group of electors that chooses the President. Senators + House members = the # of electors each state gets.


14 Winner Take All System FL population = 19,057,542 What if 9 million vote Obama, and 10 million vote Romney, All 29 electoral votes would go to Romney So that means 9 million votes don’t really count!?!?!

15 Initiative aka Proposition People gather enough signatures to put an issue on the ballot. Ex. Vote Yes on Proposition #12 This is a form of Direct Democracy

16 Recall Un-electing someone from office. Enough people vote for a reelection.

17 Exit Poll A scientific poll = For example, make sure you ask an equal amount of women.

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