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Data Structure & Algorithm

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1 Data Structure & Algorithm
Lecture 2 – Basic Data Structure JJCAO Steal some from Prof. Yoram Moses

2 The Sorting Problem Example:
Input: A sequence of n numbers < π‘Ž 1 , π‘Ž 2 , …, π‘Ž n > Output: A permutation (reordering) < 𝑏 1 , 𝑏 2 , …, 𝑏 n > of the input sequence such that 𝑏 1 ≀ 𝑏 2 …≀ 𝑏 n

3 Recitation Selection Sort 𝑂( 𝑛 2 ) Insertion Sort 𝑂( 𝑛 2 ) k=i
for i = 1:n, k = i //invariant: a[k] smallest of a[i..n] for j = i+1:n if a[j] < a[k] then k = j //invariant: a[1..i] in final position swap a[i,k] end key = A[j]

4 How is Data Represented?
Sort a sequences: Array? List? Heap? There are many options Efficiency of the algorithm also depends on the data structure used

5 Elementary Data Structures
Arrays Lists Stacks Queues Trees β€œMankind’s progress is measured by the number of things we can do without thinking.” In some languages or libs, some of them are the β€œoff-the-shelf” components.

6 Components of Data Structure
There are two aspects to any data structure: The abstract operations which it supports. (Abstract Data Types, ADT) The implementation of these operations. (Data Structure) Data structures such as array, list, stacks, …

7 Data Type vs. Data Structure
Data Structure is the way an ADT is implemented. Must be distinguished from the ADT itself!

8 C++ Implementation of Stack

9 Data Structure vs. Algorithm
Data Structures Represent objects of the ADT Algorithms Manipulate the data structures to implement a mission using the operations of the ADT

10 Contiguous vs. Linked Data Structures
Data structures can be neatly classified as either contiguous or linked depending upon whether they are based on arrays or pointers: Contiguously-allocated structures are composed of single slabs of memory, and include arrays, matrices, heaps, and hash tables. Linked data structures are composed of multiple distinct chunks of memory bound together by pointers, and include lists, trees, and graph adjacency lists.

11 Array Array of integer Array of images
An array is a number of data items of the same type arranged contiguously in memory. Fixed-size π‘š_𝑛𝑆𝑖𝑧𝑒

12 Advantages of contiguously-allocated arrays
Constant-time access given the index. Space efficiency - Arrays consist purely of data, so no space is wasted with links or other formatting information. Memory locality - Physical continuity (memory locality) between successive data accesses helps exploit the high-speed cache memory on modern computer architectures.

13 Dynamic Array Unfortunately we cannot adjust the size of simple arrays in the middle of a program’s execution. Start with an array of size 1, and double its size from m to 2m each time we run out of space. How many times will we double for n elements? Only log⁑(𝑛) … + 2^i =2^{i+1}=n => i = log(n)

14 How much total work The apparent waste in this procedure involves the recopying of the old contents on each expansion. If half the elements move once, a quarter of the elements twice, and so on, the total number of movements M is given by Thus each of the n elements move an average of only twice, and the total work of managing the dynamic array is the same O(n) as a simple array.

15 Remove an Element

16 Notes Practical implementations usually include more operations
Initialization/Destruction β€œLuxury” operations: size() print() operators

17 Bubble Sort Bubble sort: beginning of first pass:
1. Compare two players. 2. If the one on the left is taller, swap them. 3. Move one position right. End of first pass

18 Bubble Sort for i = 1:n, swapped = false for j = n:i+1, if a[j] < a[j-1], swap a[j,j-1] swapped = true break if not swapped end Is there any problem?

19 Several Sort Algorithms

20 The Linked List Structures
typedef struct list { item type item; struct list *next; } list; Pointers represent the address of a location in memory. A cell-phone number can be thought of as a pointer to its owner as they move about the planet.

21 Searching a List Searching in a linked list can be done iteratively or recursively. list *search_list(list *l, item type x) { if (l == NULL) return(NULL); if (l->item == x) return(l); else return( search_list(l->next, x) ); }

22 Insertion into a List Since we have no need to maintain the list in any particular order, we might as well insert each new item at the head. void insert_list(list **l, item_type x) { list *p = new list; p->item = x; p->next = *l; *l = p; } Note the **l, since the head element of the list changes.

23 Deleting from a List

24 Deleting from a List

25 Advantages of Linked Lists
Overflow on linked structures can never occur unless the memory is actually full. 2. Insertions and deletions are simpler than for contiguous (array) lists. 3. With large records, moving pointers is easier and faster than moving the items themselves.

26 Various List

27 Stack last-in, first-out (LIFO)

28 Stack ADT & std::vector
comments create() constructor of vector creates empty stack bool isEmpty() empty() tells whether the stack s is empty push(Item e) push_back(Item e) put e on top of the stack s Item peek() Item back() returns topmost element in stack s pop() pop_back() removes topmost element from the stack s destroy() Deconstructor of vector destroys stack s reserve() push_back() pop_back() back() size() empty()

29 Stack Implementation Using a Linked List

30 Stack Example 1: Reversing a Word
part trap

31 Stack Example 2: Delimiter Matching
When compilers compile your code When you want to write a program to parse a math formula

32 Stack Example 2: Delimiter Matching
A successful example: b(c[d]e) Character Read Stack Contents b ( c [ [( d ] e )

33 Queue first-in, first-out

34 Implementation of Queue

35 A Circular Queue

36 Homework 1 Basic Dynamic Array & Selection Sort
Deadline: 22:00, Sep. 10, 2011

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