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Martin Mullan Environment Canada Georgia Basin / Puget Sound Research Conference Vancouver, 1 April 2003 Georgia Basin/ Puget Sound International Airshed.

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Presentation on theme: "Martin Mullan Environment Canada Georgia Basin / Puget Sound Research Conference Vancouver, 1 April 2003 Georgia Basin/ Puget Sound International Airshed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Martin Mullan Environment Canada Georgia Basin / Puget Sound Research Conference Vancouver, 1 April 2003 Georgia Basin/ Puget Sound International Airshed Strategy

2 The Strategy: 1. “what” 2. “where” 3. ”who” 4. ”when” 5. ”why” (2 slides) 6. ”how” (3 slides) Presentation outline GB/ PS International Airshed Strategy

3 - effort to address shared AQ management concerns - concerns: human & environmental health impacts - also aims to prevent future deterioration of AQ - a key priority is information sharing 1. What GB/ PS International Airshed Strategy

4 includes Straits of Georgia and Juan de Fuca, and Puget Sound principal urban areas include Lower Fraser Valley in BC and the I-5 corridor in WA 2. Where GB/ PS International Airshed Strategy

5 Federal govEC PYR EPA Region 10 Prov./ State govBC WLAP WA DoE Regional agenciesFVRD GVRD NWAPA PSCAA First Nations/ TribalSto:lo Tribal Council Coast Salish Sea Initiative Tsawwassen FN Swinomish Tribe NGOFraser Basin Council 3. Who GB/ PS International Airshed Strategy

6 1941 Trail Smelter Arbitration (dispute: 1898 - 1941) 1979 EC Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution (LRTAP) 1991 Canada-USA Air Quality Agreement 1992 BC-WA Env. Co-operation Agreement 1994 BC, WA, GVRD, NWAPA MoU 2000 EC/EPA Joint Statement of Co-operation on the GB/PS ecosys. 2000 Ozone Annex to Can/USA AQ Agreement 2002 EC/EPA Statement of Intent on GB/PS IAS 2004 Ozone Annex comes up for renewal/ revision 4. When GB/ PS International Airshed Strategy

7 air pollutants affect human health... e.g. no lower threshold for PM e.g. concern re. toxics in diesel exhaust... and natural env’t & economic resources... e.g. tourism/ visibility... plus link to GHG emissions growing concern about issues, esp. link betw’n air pollution & health e.g. proposed 660 MW Sumas 2 power plant 5(i/ii). Why GB/ PS International Airshed Strategy

8 better air quality in many areas over previous decades from gov’t initiatives & despite a nearly 50% growth in reg’l pop incl. federal govt’s 10-year Agenda for Vehicles & Fuels however, growth in population and economy continues 5(ii/ii). Why 25 yr. Growth @ 29 % 25 yr. Growth @ 36 % GB/ PS International Airshed Strategy

9 began Feb. 2001 addresses transboundary nature of air & x-border responsibility periodic meetings & progress on “early actions” 17 early actions ranked & 5 chosen for work, plus Airshed Char.: Issue Ranking and Identification system Clean Vehicles and Fuels Transboundary Data Exchange Transboundary New Source Review website (information clearinghouse) 6(i/iii). How GB/ PS International Airshed Strategy

10 Project initiation / Statement of Intent 5 early actions - Issue Ranking & Identification System - Clean Vehicle and Fuels - TRAnsboundary Data Exchange - Transboundary New Source Review - webpage Airshed characterization Assess Problems / Options GB/PS Int’l Airshed Strategy Range of outcomes - share information - work collaboratively - formal agreements 6(ii/iii). How GB/ PS International Airshed Strategy priority issues identified Management

11 KEY PROGRESSFeb. 20011st meeting May 2001prioritize issues (17) & actions (6) Oct. 2001dev’d Statement of Intent & path forward Mar. 2002progress - early Airshed Characterization Oct. 2002progress - Clean Vehicles & Fuels/ website FUTURE WORKMay 2003progress report June 2003consultations - NW-CAPP (US EPA R10) Sept. 2003review strategy options, complete A Char. Dec. 2003future modeling & management options June 2004strategy report June 2004+implementation plan 6(iii/iii). How GB/ PS International Airshed Strategy

12 regional AQ usually conforms with standards, but still impacts public health (e.g. no lower thresholds for PM) emission reductions may be overwhelmed by rapid regional growth new sources may emerge as important as others are controlled planning at int’l level is required to maintain clean air in region successful International Airshed Strategy must : - rely on sound science - focus on specific, measurable, and attainable goals, and - involve all agencies that have an AQ management mandate Conclusion GB/ PS International Airshed Strategy

13 1939Today False Creek, Vancouver

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