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Welcome to the unit.  To get a general idea about natural disasters  To learn to talk about natural disasters Objectives.

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1 Welcome to the unit


3  To get a general idea about natural disasters  To learn to talk about natural disasters Objectives

4 单词回顾 学生早读时已预习过本单元单 词,可利用几分钟时间带学生 快速回顾温习。对单词的熟练 度越高,阅读的速率也越高。

5 disaster mop up earthquake thousands of accident coach n. 灾难;不幸,祸患 vt. 用拖把擦干净 adv. 完全地 n. 地震 成千上万的 n. 事故,意外的事 n. 长途汽车 Words review

6 crash flood wash away village lightning storm thunder catch fire vi. & vt. 猛撞 ; 碰撞 n. 洪水,水灾 冲走 n. 村庄 n. 闪电 n. 风暴,暴 ( 风 ) 雨 n. 雷;雷声 着火 Words review

7 What’s the weather like today? What’s happened to Hobo? Let’s have a look. Lead-in

8 Listen and answer the questions.

9 1. What’s the weather like? 2. What’s happened to Hobo? 3. What was Hobo doing when it started to rain? 4. When did Hobo hear the rain? 5. Why does Hobo want Eddie to go home with him? It’s raining. His house is all wet. He was sleeping. When he woke up, he heard. He wants Eddie to mop up the water.

10 What words do we use to talk about natural disasters? What words do we use to talk about accidents? rainstorm, snowstorm, typhoon … Natural disasters and accidents car accident, plane crash, fire...

11 All these natural disasters are caused by natural force. They are different from accidents. Accidents are usually caused by people. Can you tell the difference between natural disasters and accidents now? Here are some newspaper headlines. Please find out which ones are natural disasters.

12 1.School football team loses final 2. Earthquake kills thousands of people 3. Car accident kills three men 4. Coach crashes into tree Natural disasters and accidents

13 5. Flood washes away village 6. Lightning starts big fire in classroom building 7. Young boy falls from tree and hurts legs 8. Big storm kills 20 people

14 Please distinguish ( 区别 ) the following natural disasters

15 floods

16 forest fires

17 hurricanes

18 landslides

19 tsunamis

20 typhoons

21 volcanic eruptions

22 droughts

23 2008——China——snow havoc

24 2009——China——earthquake

25 2010——China——rainstorm

26 2013——China—— earthquake

27 Complete the following sentences. 1. 1998 年的特大洪水冲走了许多房屋和 大树。 The big flood in 1998 ______________ ________________________________ 2. 在唐山大地震中,成千上万人遇难。 The Tangshan Earthquake _________ ________________________________ washed a lot of houses and trees away. killed thousands of people.

28 3. 昨天一个年轻人从 2 楼摔下来,竟然安然无 恙。 Yesterday a young man ________________, but he didn’t get hurt. 4. 上个星期五两个小学生在教室里玩火, 将整幢大楼烧了起来。 Two pupils played with fire in their classroom last Friday and ______________ _________________. 5. 在昨晚的事故中,一辆大客车撞到了树上。 A coach crashed into a tree _____________ last night. fell from 2nd floor started a big fire in the building in the accident

29 Write an article around 70 words on the topic of ‘natural disasters’. Collect enough information before you write.

30 1. To read the text on Pages 94-95. Try to get the basic information of the Taiwan earthquake 2. To read the new words of unit 8


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