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Random Fact of the Day! Brides originally starting carrying a bouquet of flowers on their wedding day to cover up their body odor.

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Presentation on theme: "Random Fact of the Day! Brides originally starting carrying a bouquet of flowers on their wedding day to cover up their body odor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Random Fact of the Day! Brides originally starting carrying a bouquet of flowers on their wedding day to cover up their body odor.

2 Chapter 6, Section 3 Representing the People

3 Main Idea The job of Congress is so complex that Representatives employ many staffers who help with the workload!

4 I. I. Qualifications and Privileges (191-193) A. Both senators and members of the House must live in the state they represent. ***House members usually live in the district they represent but do not have to!***

5 B. Senators must be at least 30 1. Must be citizens for at least 9 years 1. Must be citizens for at least 9 years

6 C. House members must be at least 25 2. Must be citizens for at least 7 years

7 ***Most members of Congress have college degrees. Nearly half are lawyers.*** ***Members receive a base salary of $165,000 per year, free office space, and trips to their home states.*** D. Franking Privilege- ability to send job- related mail for free.

8 II. Congress at Work A. The personal staff run the offices. They gather information on issues, arrange meetings, and write speeches. B. Staffers also handle requests from constituents. C. Lobbyists- people hired by private interest groups to influence government decision makers.

9 ***Members of Congress often hire students from their home states to serve as interns. Interns help with research and office duty.*** ***Committee staffs generally have expert knowledge about special topics, such as taxes or defense.*** D. The General Accounting Office reviews Congressional spending and reviews ways to spend taxpayers dollars.

10 E. The Congressional Budget Office provides info and analysis to help Congress create a budget. US DEBT CLOCK!!! US DEBT CLOCK!!!

11 F. Members of Congress carry out 3 major jobs. F. Members of Congress carry out 3 major jobs. 1. Congress members make laws. 1. Congress members make laws. 2. Congress members do casework. 2. Congress members do casework. Casework- Troubleshooting for people from their home district or state

12 3. Protect the interests of their own state or district. 3. Protect the interests of their own state or district.

13 G. Members try to gain a share of national spending for their constituents. H. Pork-Barrel Projects- Government projects and grants that primarily benefit the home district or state.

14 Mini Quiz!!! Jimmy Eat World – The Middle 1. How old to be a Senator? 2. How old to be a member of the House? 3. Do you have to live in the state you represent? 4. In the House, do you have to live in the district you represent? 5. Congress members helping the community by bringing in government projects and grants are known as?

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