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2.3 Puritan New England HW: 2.4

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1 2.3 Puritan New England HW: 2.4
Objective: Learn the motivations for Puritan migration. Describe the Puritans interactions with the Native Americans. Understand the characteristics of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. HW: 2.4

2 The Puritans are coming!!
Unit 2

3 Puritans create New England
Puritans? Purify what? Puritan Separatists exiled by King James I; they go to Holland In 1620 these Pilgrims (Puritan Separatists) left Holland & found Plymouth Bay Colony In the northern colonies what was the motivation? Merged with Mass. Bay Colony in 1691



6 Dissent in the Puritan Community
Anne Hutchinson: exiled in 1638 (Why?) In 1643 she was killed by Native Americans in the Dutch settlement of NY Roger Williams: fled MBC in 1636 (Why?) Befriended by Native Am and settled in Narragansett Bay. Founded Rhode Island – community based on religious tolerance.

7 Conflict with Native Americans
Original co-existence w/ Native Americans (Algonquin) Wompanoag (helped early settlers at Plymouth) Did not see them as a threat (sick, women & children, starving) Why did Massasoit not finish them off? (Narragansett threat!) Puritan View of Native Americans Expansion leads to conflict with Pequot Nation (P. 56) View of land “ownership” 1637 Punitive conflict begins, Pequots are exterminated. Metacom, aka King Philip, resists expansion and destruction of his culture King Philip’s War, 1675 Wampanoag tribe is destroyed, Metacom killed Was the last Native American resistance in Puritan colonies Conflict is denounced by Roger Williams

8 Seal of Mass Bay


10 Pequot War -1637 “At the time of the Pequot War, Pequot strength was concentrated along the Pequot (now Thames) and Mystic Rivers in what is now southeastern Connecticut. Mystic, or Missituk, was the site of the major battle of the War. Under the leadership of Captain John Mason from Connecticut and Captain John Underhill from Massachusetts Bay Colony, English Puritan troops, with the help of Mohegan and Narragansett allies, burned the village and killed the estimated Pequots inside. The battle turned the tide against the Pequots and broke the tribe's resistance. Many Pequots in other villages escaped and hid among other tribes, but most of them were eventually killed or captured and given as slaves to tribes friendly to the English. The English, supported by Uncas' Mohegans, pursued the remaining Pequot resistors until all were either killed or captured and enslaved. After the War, the colonists enslaved survivors and outlawed the name "Pequot.“” – source:

11 2,000 English killed (c. 10% of those who fought died)
c. 5,000 Natives Tide turns when the Mohawk form an alliance with the English Phillip’s head in Plymouth for 20 years

12 Causes and Effects of King Philip’s War (use p. 57) CAUSES EFFECTS

Gold & God Plantations Conquer (Conquistadors/ Mestizos) Nominal Govt. support Trade Outposts/Forts Native Alliances Collaborative Private Corporations Settlements Colonies Punitive Conflict No mixing/ separation.destruction

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