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Aspects of the research performance of Muslim countries Mohamed El Amin A. El Tom Garden City College for S &T Khartoum - Sudan.

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Presentation on theme: "Aspects of the research performance of Muslim countries Mohamed El Amin A. El Tom Garden City College for S &T Khartoum - Sudan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aspects of the research performance of Muslim countries Mohamed El Amin A. El Tom Garden City College for S &T Khartoum - Sudan

2 Muslim countries: Introductory remarks Some 40 predominantly Muslim countries are home to about 20% of total world population ?: Are their collective shares of world GDP Expenditure on R&D Research output Proportionate to their population size?

3 Wide variations Population size: 232.5m (Indonesia) – 0.4m (Brunei) Economies: High income (Kuwait) – Low income (Mali) # tertairy students/100000 inhabts.: 6,734 (Libya) – 106 (Niger) Generalizations ---- care!

4 Research output: The record Table 1: G26 share of ISI world publcns (%), 1995-2009 --------------------------------------------------------- ‘95 ‘97 ‘99 ‘01 ‘03 ‘05 ‘07 ’09 1.1 1.3 1.6 1.8 2.3 2.6 3.3 4.4 ------------------------------------------------------------

5 Research output: The record Table 1: No. publcns. In ISI databases and ave. annual growth rate ---------------------------------------------------------- CountryPublcs/yr/mAve. ann growth rate 2000-2009 1999-2009 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Albania 18.6 Albania Algeria 28.1 24.9 Algeria

6 Azerbaijan 32.7 Azerbaijan Bahrain 161 7.8Bahrain Bangladesh 4.7 13.8 Bangladesh Brunei 125.1 20.5 Brunei Comoros 4.6 Comoros Djibouti 5.5 Djibouti Egypt 47.2 12.1 Egypt Guinea 14.4 1.8 Guinea

7 Indonesia 3 15.9 Indonesia Iran 94.3 56.5 Iran Jordan 168.2 17.4 Jordan Kazakhstan 150 Kazakhstan Kuwait 287.8 10.2 Kuwait Libya 15.7 12.6 Libya Malaysia 86.1 27.1 Malaysia Mali 8.6 17.9 Mali

8 Mauritania 6.2 15.4 Mauritania Morocco 37.6 12.3 Morocco Niger 6.2 8.8 Niger Oman 111.2 20.4 Oman Pakistan 10.6 22.9 Pakistan Qatar 179 25.9 Qatar Saudi Arabia 71.3 7 Saudi Arabia Sudan 3.8 15 Sudan

9 Syria 9.7 14 Syria Tunisia 147.1 31 Tunisia Turkey 227.1 31 Turkey UAE 93.7 19.1 UAE Yemen 2.9 25.6 Yemen ------------------------------------------------- G26 countries 25.1 G26 countries World 5.9 World

10 Huge deficit in research output

11 Research dominated by 7 countries Egypt Iran Malaysia Morocco Saudi Arabia Tunisia Turkey

12 Table 2: Research output: G26 vs G7 Country19992009 ----------------------------------------------------- Egypt 2501 5591 Iran 120416977 Malaysia 1019 4800 Morocco 1011 1495 Saudi Arabia 1679 2670 Tunisia 574 2983 Turkey 6250 25687

13 19992009 ----------------------------------------------------- Total G2618707 73424 Total G7 14238 60203 (% G26) (76.1) (82.0) ------------------------------------------------------

14 Dominance of universities Country Publcs., 1995-2009Non-univ (%) Egypt 4761016.7 Iran 68992 7 Malaysia 24132 6.9 Morocco 16037 37.7 Saudi Arabia 26807 28.8 Tunisia 16930 1.5 Turkey 179257 10.1

15 Structure of research, 1995-2009 Total Appl. Sci Basic SS A&H ------------------------------------------------------------ - Egypt 47610 32446 2619 939 262 Iran 68992 45472 3771 2662 201 Malaysia 24132 16440 980 1369 147 Morocco 16037 10286 846 159 110 S. Arabia 26807 16787 1105 599 67 Tunisia 16930 10924 738 278 70 Turkey 179257 114660 5371 9158 627

16 Why this low level of achievement? Demographics: No. researchers is low (649/m OIC ave vs 2,532 world ave.; participation by women in sci and eng. Is low Language: > 80% of the world’s scientific lit. appear first in English. Therefore, scientific work requires a min. level of competence in English, which is lacking in most Muslim countries. Education: Too much rote learning;

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