Net assets of banking sector (PLN mn) Source: NBP In 2012, the balance sums growth reached 4.5% vs. the previous year, which proves the significant fall.

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Presentation on theme: "Net assets of banking sector (PLN mn) Source: NBP In 2012, the balance sums growth reached 4.5% vs. the previous year, which proves the significant fall."— Presentation transcript:

1 Net assets of banking sector (PLN mn) Source: NBP In 2012, the balance sums growth reached 4.5% vs. the previous year, which proves the significant fall of its pace ( in 2011, the achieved result was 11.3%.).

2 Source: EBF Assets vs. EUs GDP in 2011 r. (%)

3 Source: NBP Liabilities from the non-financial sector (PLN mn)

4 Źródło: KNF Share of FX credits in mortgage loans for households in 2010-2012 (%)

5 Source: NBP Impaired liabilities share (%)

6 Liabilities from non-financial sector (PLN mn) Source: NBP The annual growth of this figure amounted to 3.6% in 2012 and was significantly lower than in previous years (growth of 12.6% and 9.3%, respectively).

7 Liabilities from foreign financial sector (PLN mn) Source: KNF

8 Banking sectors own funds (PLN mn) Sorce: NBP

9 Banking sectors solvency ratio Source: KNF

10 Net financial result of banking sector (PLN mn) Source: NBP

11 Effectiveness ratio - ROA (%)

12 Effectiveness ratio - ROE (%) Source: NBP

13 Interest margin (%) Source: NBP

14 Operating costs ratio (%)

15 C/I ratio in EU in 2011 (%) Source: EBF

16 Cooperative banks assets (PLN mn) Source: NBP In 2012 balance sheet amounts growth in cooperative banks reached 9.5%, and was respectively slightly lower than in 2011 (11.3%).

17 Cooperative banks share in banking sectors assets (%) Source: NBP

18 Net financial results of cooperative banks (PLN mn) Source: NBP The pace of the net profit growth amounted to 9.1% last year.

19 Value of ROE ratio in cooperative banks (%) Source: NBP

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