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1/8/13 BR- Please get back to your side (prosecution/defense) - Remember to do your trial journals! Today’s Goal : Settling Roles and Duties - Begin Writing.

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Presentation on theme: "1/8/13 BR- Please get back to your side (prosecution/defense) - Remember to do your trial journals! Today’s Goal : Settling Roles and Duties - Begin Writing."— Presentation transcript:

1 1/8/13 BR- Please get back to your side (prosecution/defense) - Remember to do your trial journals! Today’s Goal : Settling Roles and Duties - Begin Writing Your Direct Exam Questions

2 This Week  Monday – Roles and Duties  Tuesday – Develop Trial Strategies  Wednesday – Direct Examination and Laying Foundation  Thursday – Writing Direct Examination Questions  Friday – Calling Witnesses – Hand in Trial Journal

3 Trial Diary: (starting today!) At the end of each week I will collect your trial diary. You can just hand in the paper or papers for that week. Each day of the week is worth 5 points (5 days of school = 25 points.) You should keep this diary and HAND IT IN at the end of the trial. (or I can collect it each week. It will serve as your final grade 1.Date 2.One thing you learned about that day 3.What did you do (specific). 2-3 Sentences. More than just “We worked on our cross examination.” 4.Questions

4 Attorney Trial Roles Prosecution Opening Statement ________  Sheila Hartwick – Direct___. Cross___.  Dr. Devin Addison - Direct___. Cross___.  Alex Lawson – Direct___. Cross___.  Quinn Collins – Direct___. Cross___.  Officer Marty Williams - Direct___. Cross___. Closing Statement _________ Defense Opening Statement ________  Dr. Jackie Jenkins - Direct___. Cross___.  Casey Adams - Direct___. Cross___.  Jessie Stevens – Direct___. Cross___.  Sonny Charles - Direct___. Cross___.  Mikaila Kennedy – Direct___. Cross___. Closing Statement ________

5 Trial Roles Victim: Camilla Hartwick Prosecution  Sheila Hartwick - Penina  Dr. Devin Addison - Chris  Alex Lawson – Karina  Quinn Collins – Juan/Kevin  Officer Marty Williams - Edith  Attorneys: Laura, Joceliz, Allen, Jasmine  Deputy Sheriff – Defense  Dr. Jackie Jenkins - Kinquana  Casey Adams - Tequila  Jessie Stevens – Jason  Sonny Charles - Jesus  Mikaila Kennedy – Dayanara  Attorneys: Sara, Quiana, Angel, Chanell

6 Trial Strategy  Each side (plaintiff or defense) has a mission. 1.Prove their elements 2.Attack the credibility of the elements the other side is trying to prove. Every question or statement in your case MUST be working to accomplishing your side’s goal.

7 Important Documents  Process for examining witnesses Process for examining witnesses  Persuasion at trial Persuasion at trial  Direct Examination (example) Direct Examination (example)  Direct Examination (example 2) Direct Examination (example 2)  Cross Examination Cross Examination  Stipulations Stipulations

8 Step 1 - Leadership  Appoint a head counsel. This person will communicate with me and be responsible for making sure everyone on the side is informed. This person will also meet with me from time to time to discuss the team’s progress and ways that I can help.  This person will help me make sure that everyone knows what they are doing, how they’re doing it and when to do it.

9 Step 2 - Duties  On each side, decide who will be doing opening and closing statements (a speech of approximately 5 minutes)  Finalize who’s doing what. In addition to the opening and closing statements, each attorney has a direct and cross examination. Write it down and give it to me

10 Step 3 - Strategy  Get together with the attorneys and witnesses on your side and map out your strategy on paper (I’ll show you how.) This will require you to know information from both sides.  Think about it as if you have a 5 person team that has to rescue the princess who is locked in a castle. How will you use the gifts(of information) that each person has to get to the princess. How will you prepare for the 5 people on the other side who are trying to stop you? Or how about one of those movies where the guys are going to steal something really valuable.

11 Step 4 - Execution  Here is where you write out how you will accomplish your legal strategy. You will write out the direct examination questions and responses that tell the story you have created. You will write out the cross examination questions that will attack the other sides story.  You will also learn the tools of the attorneys trade such a objections, subtle argument, and proper use of emotion.

12 Step 5 - Practice and Refinement  In this step you practice 4 so that it becomes routine. The more prepared you are the less likely you will be shaken by objections or unforeseen interruptions during trial.  You will refine your attorney skills and timing so that they can be used for maximum effect

13 Step 6 - Reflect  What areas do we need to improve on? What areas are we vulnerable? Is there any way to strengthen them?  What don’t we know?

14 Assignment (15pts):  Attorneys/Witnesses - prepare your 1st 3 questions for direct examination. You will perform these tomorrow and witnesses will NOT be allowed to use their packet. ALSO.. Be sure to read the Section “Direct Examination” in the litigation process.

15 Process for Examining Witnesses:  Refer to the sheet  Tips:  Always face and address the judge.  When in doubt ask for permission  may I proceed?  may I approach?  Address the judge as “Your Honor”  Be respectful and courteous (even if you don’t want to) to all witnesses, and opposing counsel  Build your ethos. Its ok to say, “please” and “thank you.”

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