Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Police on SAPS Communication Projects By: Mr Sithembiso Freeman Nomvalo 2015-03-11.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Police on SAPS Communication Projects By: Mr Sithembiso Freeman Nomvalo 2015-03-11."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Police on SAPS Communication Projects By: Mr Sithembiso Freeman Nomvalo 2015-03-11

2 Agenda NNUP Background of the SAPS NNUP Progress to date on the SAPS NNUP Challenges / Dependencies on the SAPS NNUP VIDEO CONFERENCING Background of the Video Conferencing Progress to date on the Video Conferencing Challenges / Dependencies on the Video Conferencing 2

3 NNUP Background  The SAPS National Network Upgrade Program is a multi-year and strategic Program that is currently managed by SITA on behalf of the South African Police Services.  The program was established early 2005 with the focus to address Police ICT challenges namely:  the prevention of loss of dockets;  better control of police vehicles;  better control of firearms;  to provide network connectivity to rural areas;  to accommodate modernized Police applications;  to enable Police to securely process and exchange information with its constitution and other State Entities to combat Crime within the Republic of South Africa. 3

4 Program Scope 4  In order to address SAPS challenges, SITA was tasked to deliver on the following activities:  Data and Voice Cabling Infrastructure Services:  Procurement and the installation of new cabling infrastructure at SAPS sites to provide connectivity to End User Equipment.  Network Infrastructure:  Procurement and the installation of new network equipment at SAPS sites to address the SAPS data and voice requirement.  Data carriers:  Installation of Telecommunication data carriers to ensure sufficient bandwidth is available to accommodate the modernized Police applications.  End User Equipment:  Installation and configuration of End User Equipment to ensure users can access all network and application platforms.  Servers:  Configuration and installation of Servers to minimize bandwidth usage across the Wide Area Network.  SAPS Core Infrastructure:  Procurement, installation and configuration of devices and services to ensure the National and Distributed Data Centre capacity.

5 Progress to date  Since the inception of the Program, SITA received 1965 requests from SAPS to the value of R 2.17 billion.  Out of the 1965 requests SITA successfully delivered on 1498 requests.  During the 2013/2014 financial year SITA provided cabling infrastructure services for 467 requests, however these requests could not be completed due to unavailability of the Network Equipment contract. Cabling was finished, however equipment could not be commissioned due to the absence of this contract.  On the 18 th of November 2014, SAPS requested SITA to make use of RFB 776 in order to address critical cabling infrastructure services requests and RFB 783 to address the outstanding network equipment for 467 requests.  In December 2014 SAPS published Tenders for the procurement of cabling services and network equipment to the industry.  The cabling contract is due for award, pending the approval of the SAPS BID Adjudication Committee and the National Commissioner.  The network equipment contract was awarded by SAPS to address network expansions for 149 request, the SAPS Core Wireless and Unified Communications, Switching Centre data capacity equipment, new 10111 centres and the IJS Core. Orders have been issued to the winning bidders. This tender excluded the procurement of network equipment for the 467 requests 5

6 SAPS NNUP Financial Status : 18 February 2015 6 Financial YearOrder Amount Commitments ReleasedInvoice Amount Amount Rolled-Over 2004/05R 149 500 000.00R 0.00R 80 000 000.00R 69 500 000.00 2005/06R 176 119 200.00R 500 000.00R 245 119 200.00R 0.00 2006/07R 1 892.67R 0.00 R 1 892.67 2007/08R 227 864 746.86R 9.81R 24 211 267.17R 203 655 362.55 2008/09R 60 863 060.38R 3 230 223.00R 117 529 212.87R 143 758 987.06 2009/10R 412 044 300.49R 25 986 317.72R 383 956 286.25R 145 860 683.58 2010/11R 486 132 140.60R 25 288 454.92R 225 044 481.38R 381 659 887.88 2011/12R 367 708 289.92R 56 926 575.95R 385 650 505.50R 306 791 096.35 2012/13R 15 913 654.09R 42 007 282.81R 150 734 689.15R 129 962 778.48 2013/14R 279 139 502.64R 46 336 870.16R 185 723 862.50R 177 041 548.46 2014/150.00R 9 588 722.90R 94 998 540.34R 72 454 285.22 R 2 175 286 787.65R 209 864 457.27R 1 892 968 045.16 R 72 454 285.22 Note: 1.Commitments released is due to the actual costs less than the planned costs 2.R 72 454 285.22 work in progress 3.Roll-over commitment is due to work ordered in one year but completed in successive years

7 SAPS NNUP Challenges 7  The following key constraints impacts the progress on the delivery of the SAPS National Network Upgrade Program:  Unavailability of supply contracts to ensure the successful delivery of infrastructure services defined on the NNUP scope of work;  Tendency of awarding short term contracts not fulfilling the project objectives;  Capping of contract budgets resulting in under spending of Treasury funds;  Cancellation of Tenders;  Delays in decision making regarding the SAPS Wide Area Network Architecture resulted in network equipment not being procured from September 2012 to December 2014.  Late tasking and delays in issuing of Government orders to SITA, usually in the last quarter of the financial year;  Insufficient bandwidth and lack of Telecommunication infrastructure to provide data carrier services in rural areas.

8 Video Conferencing Background  Tandberg VC equipment was procured by SAPS during 2010, prior to the soccer world cup to aid in establishing real-time video and audio communication at the various Joint Operation Centers and key sites identified by SAPS.  The Video Conferencing Tandberg infrastructure was directly procured through RT431 utilized as the procurement vehicle by SAPS provincial offices prior to 2014.  SAPS identified thirteen (13) priority Video Conferencing sites across country for immediate support and maintenance. 8

9 SAPS Video Conferencing Progress to date  The Video Conferencing contract RFB1201/2014 is in place as of 1 March 2015 for the provision of maintenance and support services on SAPS Audio Visual and Video Conferencing systems of the 13 priority sites countrywide.  The maintenance and support services costs totals to R 6,840,887.74(vat incl.) per annum.  The Video Conferencing contract services entails the following activities at the 13 priority sites:  optimisation of the current VC Tandberg infrastructure;  provide on-site specialised skills;  support and maintenance of the current VC equipment to ensure it is operational in the event a video conferencing session is held;  on-site support to assist with the setup and scheduling of high-profile video conferencing sessions for the Video Conferencing facilities within the SAPS environment including the managing and recording of the sessions; and  site inspections. 9

10 SAPS Video Conferencing Challenges / Constrains  It is foreseen that most of the equipment has reached end-of-service/end-of-life and will remain a challenge to keep the equipment operational.  More specifics regarding the continued support of the infrastructure will be evident from the current site assessments.  SITA is in process to establish a new tender to acquire new Video Conferencing equipment in order to make provision for current end-of-life VC equipment, site expansions and new sites. 10

11 Thank You 11

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