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L. Groening, Sept. 15th, 2003 GSI-Palaver, Dec. 10 th, 2003, A dedicated proton accelerator for p-physics at the future GSI facilities P. Forck, T. Giacomini,

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Presentation on theme: "L. Groening, Sept. 15th, 2003 GSI-Palaver, Dec. 10 th, 2003, A dedicated proton accelerator for p-physics at the future GSI facilities P. Forck, T. Giacomini,"— Presentation transcript:

1 L. Groening, Sept. 15th, 2003 GSI-Palaver, Dec. 10 th, 2003, A dedicated proton accelerator for p-physics at the future GSI facilities P. Forck, T. Giacomini, M. Schwickert - FP6-Construction-meeting Oct. 11, 2007 SIS18-5 Beam Profile Monitor Beam profile measurement with high spatial and time resolution for SIS18 - Ionization Profile Monitor online, non-destructive, turn-by-turn P. Forck and T. Giacomini, GSI Darmstadt J. Dietrich, FZ-Jülich A. Paal, MSL Stockholm V. Skachkov, A. Vetrov et al., MSU Moscow State University D. Liakin, S. Barabin et al., ITEP Moscow The IPM is a prototype for the installation in all FAIR-Rings. Previous R&D work was funded in 2005 and 2006 by INTAS. Outline of the talk:  Measurement with existing IPM and requirements for advanced IPM  Status of the advanced IPM  Further proceeding. FP6-Construction: SIS18-5 IPM

2 L. Groening, Sept. 15th, 2003 GSI-Palaver, Dec. 10 th, 2003, A dedicated proton accelerator for p-physics at the future GSI facilities P. Forck, T. Giacomini, M. Schwickert - FP6-Construction-meeting Oct. 11, 2007 SIS18-5 Beam Profile Monitor The existing IPM at SIS, Ionization Profile Monitor Ion detection scheme E-Field ~ 50 kV / m Beam aperture: - 170 x 170 mm 2 MCP detection area: - 100 x 30 mm 2 Chevron MCP, 10 6 ampl. MCP calibration: - by UV lamp, 115 nm Readout by 63 wires Wire Ø : 1.5 mm Resol.: 2.1 mm ADC: 12 Bit t Measure : 0.5ms Rate: 100 Prof. / s Flange : Ø 30 cm Height : 54 cm

3 L. Groening, Sept. 15th, 2003 GSI-Palaver, Dec. 10 th, 2003, A dedicated proton accelerator for p-physics at the future GSI facilities P. Forck, T. Giacomini, M. Schwickert - FP6-Construction-meeting Oct. 11, 2007 SIS18-5 Beam Profile Monitor Typical measurements at SIS Ar18+, 350MeV/u @ flat top, losses after injection and @ accel. t=0,9s, beam shift @ accel. start DC HF Dipole Hor.Ver. Prof. Intgr. Pos. Width

4 L. Groening, Sept. 15th, 2003 GSI-Palaver, Dec. 10 th, 2003, A dedicated proton accelerator for p-physics at the future GSI facilities P. Forck, T. Giacomini, M. Schwickert - FP6-Construction-meeting Oct. 11, 2007 SIS18-5 Beam Profile Monitor Example: Mis-steering at Injection Vertical profile: Large angle Small angle Optimized angle Vertical beam profiles are shown with different vertical steerer settings / angles Measurement with 0.5 ms integration time (≈100 turns), 100 Profiles/s, SIS 18 Mis-steering at beam injection results in a hollow beam with enlarged emittance Vertical beam profiles of 3 different SIS cycles Ver.

5 L. Groening, Sept. 15th, 2003 GSI-Palaver, Dec. 10 th, 2003, A dedicated proton accelerator for p-physics at the future GSI facilities P. Forck, T. Giacomini, M. Schwickert - FP6-Construction-meeting Oct. 11, 2007 SIS18-5 Beam Profile Monitor Example: Orientation mis-match: Detection NOT possible with existing IPM Prevention of emittance blow-up with well aligned injection => Turn-by-turn measurement with 1µs time resolution SIS = 4.7 µs / turn FAIR = 4.6 µs / turn Example: CERN-SPS (C.Fischer et al.): Anode technology: Phosphor + Photomultiplier, 1.2 mm resolution matched turns 200 100 mismatched

6 L. Groening, Sept. 15th, 2003 GSI-Palaver, Dec. 10 th, 2003, A dedicated proton accelerator for p-physics at the future GSI facilities P. Forck, T. Giacomini, M. Schwickert - FP6-Construction-meeting Oct. 11, 2007 SIS18-5 Beam Profile Monitor Magnetic-field for High Intensities at SIS18/100/300 Ion detection for intense beams:  broadening due to space charge Electron detection: B-field required for e - guidance toward MCP. Effects: 3-dim start velocity E kin (90%) < 50 eV, θ max  90 0  r cyl < 0.1 mm if B  30 mT ExB-drift only for high intensities Monte-Carlo simulation: Ion versus e - detection 10 10 U 73+ injection at SIS  e - detection required Uni. Moscow: Inclusion of simulated E-and B-fields Goal: Specification for field uniformity ion detectionelectron detection

7 L. Groening, Sept. 15th, 2003 GSI-Palaver, Dec. 10 th, 2003, A dedicated proton accelerator for p-physics at the future GSI facilities P. Forck, T. Giacomini, M. Schwickert - FP6-Construction-meeting Oct. 11, 2007 SIS18-5 Beam Profile Monitor Challenges for the Advanced IPM IPM: High performance device for turn-by-turn readout and 0.1 mm resolution required for high current studies at SIS18 / 100 / 300, cooling studies at storage rings.  e - or ions detection: E-field E  ± 50 V/mm, ΔE/E < 1% B-field for guidance B  30 mT, ΔB/B < 1% MCP (100x40 mm 2 )  High resolution mode: spatial resolution: 0,1 mm time resolution :  10 ms  CCD readout  Turn-by-turn mode: spatial resolution: 1 mm time resolution :  100 ns  100 photo-detectors

8 L. Groening, Sept. 15th, 2003 GSI-Palaver, Dec. 10 th, 2003, A dedicated proton accelerator for p-physics at the future GSI facilities P. Forck, T. Giacomini, M. Schwickert - FP6-Construction-meeting Oct. 11, 2007 SIS18-5 Beam Profile Monitor Advanced IPM PROTOTYPE - VACUUM COMPONENTS - Beam aperture 175 x 175 mm 2 - Ion or electron detection - seconday e - suppression - MCP + Phosphor screen P47 100 ns decay time, 100 x 40 mm 2 active area - MCP calibration by UV lamp - Without magnetic field Status: - Hardware tested at COSY - Installation @ ESR: spring 08 Goal: - improvement detector module - reducing height to fit into magnet gap - improvement MCP calibration

9 L. Groening, Sept. 15th, 2003 GSI-Palaver, Dec. 10 th, 2003, A dedicated proton accelerator for p-physics at the future GSI facilities P. Forck, T. Giacomini, M. Schwickert - FP6-Construction-meeting Oct. 11, 2007 SIS18-5 Beam Profile Monitor Advanced IPM Prototype Test at COSY Test at COSY: - no vacuum bake-out required - easy access - cooling determinations at COSY - test chamber installed at COSY Data acquisition:  Performed by GSI (Diploma work) - PXI system for FireWire CCD - PXI system running RT-LabVIEW - FPGA for parameter control / timing Equipped PXI-crate and CCD camera

10 L. Groening, Sept. 15th, 2003 GSI-Palaver, Dec. 10 th, 2003, A dedicated proton accelerator for p-physics at the future GSI facilities P. Forck, T. Giacomini, M. Schwickert - FP6-Construction-meeting Oct. 11, 2007 SIS18-5 Beam Profile Monitor Large aperture magnets for IPM, outside vacuum Electro-magnet design: Length: 2.04 m, max. trans. size: 1.7 m Permanent-magnet design: Length 2.0 m, main dipole 13.2 cm, corrector 6 cm, magnetic gap 37 cm, transverse dimension 52 cm Main dipole, E-field box Horiz. IPM Vert. IPM Corr. dipole Space charge of bunches influences e - trajectory:  guidance of e - to MCP: B=30 mT, ΔB/B<1%  Magnet design with aperture 480x480 mm 2, correctors and  2 m total insertion. Both types fulfill the requirements, but Pem. Mag. is more compact. R&D: ITEP & MSU-Moscow.

11 L. Groening, Sept. 15th, 2003 GSI-Palaver, Dec. 10 th, 2003, A dedicated proton accelerator for p-physics at the future GSI facilities P. Forck, T. Giacomini, M. Schwickert - FP6-Construction-meeting Oct. 11, 2007 SIS18-5 Beam Profile Monitor Results of B-Field calculations Magnetic field for e - guidance:  30 mT with ΔB/B<1 % within working region Ion trajectories: Shift : < 100 μm Divergence : < 0.1 mrad For U 73+ : 10 MeV/u Specification done via e - tracking: - Uses simplified Binary Encounter Approx. - Trans. shift < 0.2 mm for central region - Trans. Shift <0.5 mm for large beams

12 L. Groening, Sept. 15th, 2003 GSI-Palaver, Dec. 10 th, 2003, A dedicated proton accelerator for p-physics at the future GSI facilities P. Forck, T. Giacomini, M. Schwickert - FP6-Construction-meeting Oct. 11, 2007 SIS18-5 Beam Profile Monitor Novel Photo-Detectors for IPM: Si-Photomultiplier Turn-by-turn readout  injection matching  fast emittance changes Specification: One turn  1μs, 1 mm resolution. Novel photo-detectors: SiPM - Silicon - Photomultiplier - developed for HEP-Detectors, medical applications Test-device: 600 avalanche photo-diodes on 1mm 2 biased above break-down Result: Single-photon amplification, but acting as analogue detector. R&D: ITEP-Moscow (incl. electronics)

13 L. Groening, Sept. 15th, 2003 GSI-Palaver, Dec. 10 th, 2003, A dedicated proton accelerator for p-physics at the future GSI facilities P. Forck, T. Giacomini, M. Schwickert - FP6-Construction-meeting Oct. 11, 2007 SIS18-5 Beam Profile Monitor Fast readout electronics Goal for fast electronics as developed by ITEP:  Turn-by-turn readout on μs-scale  Large array of 100 Avalanche Photo-Diodes, PMT or SiPM for low photon detection  Low noise amplification => signal of 1 turn  Digitization with 50 MS/s (=20 ns/prof.), digital filtering, user-friendly analysis Status: prototype with adoption for APD, PMT or SiPM built. Analysis Buffer amplifier prototypes for PIN-, avalanche pd and SiPM.

14 L. Groening, Sept. 15th, 2003 GSI-Palaver, Dec. 10 th, 2003, A dedicated proton accelerator for p-physics at the future GSI facilities P. Forck, T. Giacomini, M. Schwickert - FP6-Construction-meeting Oct. 11, 2007 SIS18-5 Beam Profile Monitor Fast readout electronics Goal: Series Production of SiPM-Modules

15 L. Groening, Sept. 15th, 2003 GSI-Palaver, Dec. 10 th, 2003, A dedicated proton accelerator for p-physics at the future GSI facilities P. Forck, T. Giacomini, M. Schwickert - FP6-Construction-meeting Oct. 11, 2007 SIS18-5 Beam Profile Monitor Status & Further proceedings IPM High Resolution mode with CCD readout:  Mechanics & detector: Design and fabrication finished  Installation at COSY finished, beam-based tests up to spring 2008,  Installation at ESR in summer 2008 Fast readout detectors & electronics:  Contract GSI-ITEP signed April 2007  Test of 5 channels of avalanche and PIN photodiodes in winter 2007 / 2008  Test of SiPM & electronics in connection with MCP-Phosphor at GSI: spring 08  Production of 2 x 100 channel electronics: summer 08  Installation and software development attendant to electronics development  Commissioning at ESR: Summer 08. Magnetic field  permanent-magnet design preferred:  Contract between GSI and ITEP concerning development of permanent magnet  Final permanent magnet concept scheduled for 2009

16 L. Groening, Sept. 15th, 2003 GSI-Palaver, Dec. 10 th, 2003, A dedicated proton accelerator for p-physics at the future GSI facilities P. Forck, T. Giacomini, M. Schwickert - FP6-Construction-meeting Oct. 11, 2007 SIS18-5 Beam Profile Monitor Status & Further proceedings  ID2: finished  ID 5: finished i.e. within schedule (device for test at COSY & ESR)  ID 6: running, delay due to novel SiPM detector consideration  ID 7: depends on ID 6, due to novel SiPM  ID 8: short delay due to GSI-personnel (3 month ‘Erziehungsurlaub’ of T. Giacomini)  ID 10/11: Nearly within schedule  ID 13: Delay due to magnet considerations at ITEP/MSU General: Personnel paid, Roadmap is o.k., R&D is progressing, production started.

17 L. Groening, Sept. 15th, 2003 GSI-Palaver, Dec. 10 th, 2003, A dedicated proton accelerator for p-physics at the future GSI facilities P. Forck, T. Giacomini, M. Schwickert - FP6-Construction-meeting Oct. 11, 2007 SIS18-5 Beam Profile Monitor Thank you for your attention.

18 L. Groening, Sept. 15th, 2003 GSI-Palaver, Dec. 10 th, 2003, A dedicated proton accelerator for p-physics at the future GSI facilities P. Forck, T. Giacomini, M. Schwickert - FP6-Construction-meeting Oct. 11, 2007 SIS18-5 Beam Profile Monitor Advanced IPM Prototype Prototype development: Design for storage rings  high resolution mode - Short tank length of 60 cm - beam aperture 175 x 175 mm 2 - Ion / electron detection - secondary e - suppression - MCP + Phosphor screen P47 100 ns decay time, 100 x 40 mm 2 active area - MCP calibration by UV lamp - Without magnetic field IPM Ø CF250 hor ver Beam line Ø CF200 Total length: 60cm Viewport Ø CF150

19 L. Groening, Sept. 15th, 2003 GSI-Palaver, Dec. 10 th, 2003, A dedicated proton accelerator for p-physics at the future GSI facilities P. Forck, T. Giacomini, M. Schwickert - FP6-Construction-meeting Oct. 11, 2007 SIS18-5 Beam Profile Monitor Stacking by Electron Cooling Example: Stacking by electron cooling of U 73+ beam at GSI. IPM: Profile integration 0.5ms (100 Profiles averaged), Profile rate 100 Hz = 10 ms (2000 Profiles not measured).

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