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Implementing Library1Search (WebFeat) at the Goddard Library September 27, 2006 Kathleen McGlaughlin NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Library Zimmerman.

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Presentation on theme: "Implementing Library1Search (WebFeat) at the Goddard Library September 27, 2006 Kathleen McGlaughlin NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Library Zimmerman."— Presentation transcript:

1 Implementing Library1Search (WebFeat) at the Goddard Library September 27, 2006 Kathleen McGlaughlin NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Library Zimmerman Associates, Inc. N A S A G o d d a r d S p a c e F l i g h t C e n t e r L i b r a r y

2 at the Goddard Library 2 The Goddard Library Environment Established 1959 in Greenbelt, MD Largest research staff of all NASA Centers, with 6,000 scientists and engineers Mission: Expand knowledge of the Earth and its environment, the solar system and the universe through observations from space Includes such projects as Hubble Space Telescope and Landsat Our patrons are a highly educated population of researchers

3 at the Goddard Library 3 Background: Implemented WebFeat in 2004 Why we wanted federated search Too many different places to start searching: simplify the process for patrons Selected WebFeat: Minimal set-up by Library staff Included ongoing maintenance by WebFeat Integration with the Library’s existing Web interface Ability to include locally developed, proprietary resources, and non Z39.50 resources Will allow patrons to search: Subscribed databases (i.e. Web of Science, INSPEC) Freely available databases (i.e. ARIBIB, EULER) Library catalog holdings (SirsiDynix Catalog) Proprietary databases (i.e. the Goddard Project Information) TOTAL OF 50 RESOURCES SIMULTANEOUSLY Branded the product “Library1Search”

4 at the Goddard Library 4 Implementation: The Good, the Bad… What Worked Provided our patrons with single search box they were looking for Gave patrons best single location to begin their search in our site Reduced steps for obtaining multiple results from multiple resources Using one interface is much easier for patrons than learning and using multiple Patrons often found results in resources they would not have tried otherwise (resource discovery) What Didn’t Work Took a long time to get each translator working the way we wanted Even after fine-tuning, the search did not produce truly granular results Still presented patrons with an overwhelming amount of information from which to choose What We Did to Fix It Worked with WebFeat to continually monitor and improve translators They worked diligently with us to make requested improvements Marketed Library1Search to our patrons; educated them in the process Achieved some success at improving the results

5 at the Goddard Library 5 … and the Ugly Limitations of Federated Search User expectations are a Google interface - federated search results are more complex than Google results Too many results – often results not ranked well for relevancy No search granularity Limitations of WebFeat Implementation Results populated in the order of the native database (confusing to patrons) Returning results often very slow (patrons may move on to other search apps) Subject to the speed of the native databases Sometimes gets hung up or times out entirely Navigation of the results page confusing WebFeat only replicates what native database produces

6 at the Goddard Library 6 Fast Forward - August 2006 In the time since we originally implemented, new products became available Contract came up for renewal – WebFeat is expensive New kid in town – Serials Solutions’ Central Search Investigated Serials Solutions Central Search Cost was approximately 1/3 of current WebFeat implementation Exciting new features Clustered results using Vivisimo New format for presenting combined search results Set up Pilot for Central Search Compared WebFeat and Central Search side-by-side Extensive product comparison on cost (particularly hidden costs), technical support, implementation, and special features Thorough staff testing Tested on functionality, navigation, ease of use, and accuracy of the products, both compared to one another, as well as the native databases to which they connect.

7 at the Goddard Library 7 Results of Comparison: Central Search Testers liked Central Search interface Most found it easier to use than WebFeat Liked the POTENTIAL of new features (i.e. clustered results) but unable to see in pilot Pilot was not a full implementation Clustered results not available until September 29 Just released an XML API - allows libraries with experienced software developers to maintain full control over the Library1Search customization without requiring the involvement of Central Search technical support All translators would have to be tested and refined – they did not work the same as WebFeat translators Additional charge for unique resource translators (i.e. Goddard Project Information) No statistics module available as of yet

8 at the Goddard Library 8 Central Search Pilot at a Glance

9 at the Goddard Library 9 Results of Comparison: WebFeat WebFeat released new comparably priced product – “WebFeat Express” – with same functionality underneath WebFeat Express approximately same price as Central Search Product would use existing translators Very minimal implementation to migrate to the “Express” version Control of appearance switched to Library staff Choice of 3 interfaces No extra cost associated with building new translators - EVER System already meets our current needs WebFeat offers optional statistics module

10 at the Goddard Library 10 WebFeat at a Glance

11 at the Goddard Library 11 Results of Comparison: Conclusion Results from the testing session: Both products performed well Either product would ultimately work well for the Goddard Library Central Search: new features (i.e. Vivisimo clustered results) Most of these features not yet released - unproven technologies Unsure about selecting federated search product still in a “beta” stage of development Potential hidden cost WebFeat Express - no charge for building additional or new unique translators Central Search - charge up to $5,000 for each one. Could potentially make Central Search significantly more expensive than WebFeat Express in the long run. WebFeat already implemented for the Library Existing translators would not require extensive testing and troubleshooting. Migrating to WebFeat Express comparable to changing the top layer templates, leaving underlying technology in place. DECISION: stay with WebFeat, migrating to their WebFeat Express product for the next year. Track Central Search during the next year as a possible replacement for the subsequent year, as Central Search’s new features could potentially establish it as the best product for us at that point.

12 at the Goddard Library 12 Key Ingredients for a Successful Implementation Staff Systems Librarian: interface with the vendor Vendor: work to develop good working relationship Reference staff (5 in our case): test and refine the translators Customers: feedback from the customers – does this meet their needs? Knowledge Understanding of the benefits and the limitations of federated searching products In-depth understanding of the resources included in federated search Technology Web interface for testing Planning Complete needs assessment for the environment, and selection of appropriate technology to meet those needs Thorough understanding of the selected product prior to purchase and implementation

13 at the Goddard Library 13 What You Should Ask the Vendors Develop a “checklist” of questions We modeled ours on one created at Brigham Young University in 2003 Modified it for our environment During recent evaluation, we added more items to the list: Do all resources (we want to include) have existing “translators” or will they need to be built? Is there a charge for building custom translators? Is there an additional charge for maintaining custom translators? How long does it take to update or fix the translators? Are statistics included? How long will it take to get a full implementation up and running?

14 at the Goddard Library 14 Future of Federated Search at the Goddard Library Continue using commercial product (WebFeat or Central Search) to search outside resources In 2006, developed in-house federated search for local resources (IMAGES Database, Goddard Project Information Database, etc.) Used WebFeat as the model Behind the firewall Searches digital collections which have a common metadata structure based on the Goddard Core (a modified Dublin Core) Expand in-house federated search to be Library1Search for all local Goddard Library resources Include commercial federated search as one of the “resources” searched in our own local federated search

15 at the Goddard Library 15 Questions? Kathleen McGlaughlin NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Library (Zimmerman Associates, Inc.) 301-286-2545

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