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A Prophet Without Honor 6 Jesus left there and went to his hometown, accompanied by his disciples. 2 When the Sabbath came, he began to teach in the synagogue,

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Presentation on theme: "A Prophet Without Honor 6 Jesus left there and went to his hometown, accompanied by his disciples. 2 When the Sabbath came, he began to teach in the synagogue,"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Prophet Without Honor 6 Jesus left there and went to his hometown, accompanied by his disciples. 2 When the Sabbath came, he began to teach in the synagogue, and many who heard him were amazed. “Where did this man get these things?” they asked. “What’s this wisdom that has been given him? What are these remarkable miracles he is performing? 3 Isn’t this the carpenter? Isn’t this Mary’s son and the brother of James, Joseph, Judas and Simon? Aren’t his sisters here with us?” And they took offense at him. 4 Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor except in his own town, among his relatives and in his own home.” 5 He could not do any miracles there, except lay his hands on a few sick people and heal them. 6 He was amazed at their lack of faith.

2  “This is how much God loved the world: He gave his Son, his one and only Son. And this is why: so that no one need be destroyed; by believing in him, anyone can have a whole and lasting life. God didn’t go to all the trouble of sending his Son merely to point an accusing finger, telling the world how bad it was. He came to help, to put the world right again. Anyone who trusts in him is acquitted; anyone who refuses to trust him has long since been under the death sentence without knowing it. And why? Because of that person’s failure to believe in the one-of-a-kind Son of God when introduced to him.

3 The atmosphere of chill unbelief froze the stream. The power was there, but it required for its exercise some measure of moral susceptibility. His miraculous energy followed, in general, the same law as His higher exercise of saving grace does; that is to say, it could not force itself upon unwilling men. Christ ‘cannot’ save a man who does not trust Him. He was hampered in the outflow of His healing power by unsympathetic disparagement and unbelief. Man can thwart God. Faith opens the door, and unbelief shuts it in His face. He ‘would have gathered,’ but they ‘would not,’ and therefore He ‘could not.’


5 History Comprehension Unbelief Miracles Wisdom Belief


7 Unbelief What God has not done Miracles Offense Disappointment OR What God has done What God is doing What God promises to do Belief Miracles


9 Online :- 700 Club Betheltv It’s Supernatural (Sid Roth) Iris Ministries Church Library: auto/biographies * Chasing the Dragon –Jackie Pullinger *Brother Andrew *Divine Intervention *Dangerously Alive Manna +A Life of Miracles by Don Shulze +When God Intervenes by Dabney Hedegard +Stories of Supernatural Healing by Sid Roth and Linda Joseph +Birthing the Miraculous by Heidi Baker +Real Life Real Miracles x 30 by James L Garlow and Keith Wall

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