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Rubrik Arial fet 36 mfdfkdmföemfö Arial 28 –eimiemföemf 24 eimeöeöfmfiöem 24 –eiemfömeömföe 20 »eimföemmemaljefi 20 »eiefmöfemfömf 20 »aiemfeöfmföa 20.

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Presentation on theme: "Rubrik Arial fet 36 mfdfkdmföemfö Arial 28 –eimiemföemf 24 eimeöeöfmfiöem 24 –eiemfömeömföe 20 »eimföemmemaljefi 20 »eiefmöfemfömf 20 »aiemfeöfmföa 20."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rubrik Arial fet 36 mfdfkdmföemfö Arial 28 –eimiemföemf 24 eimeöeöfmfiöem 24 –eiemfömeömföe 20 »eimföemmemaljefi 20 »eiefmöfemfömf 20 »aiemfeöfmföa 20 1 New methods shows disabled people's living conditions in Sweden Karin Flyckt National Board of Health and Welfare We strive for equal health and social care The National Board of Health and Welfare works to ensure good health, social welfare and high-quality health and social care on equal terms for the whole Swedish population.

2 Swedish disability policy The principal goal of Sweden’s disability policy is: –full participation in society –equality in living conditions –power and influence over everyday life The focus has shifted from social and welfare issues to democracy and human rights. –National actionplan (2000 & 2011) –the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006)

3 Swedish disability policy II An essential part of swedish disability policy is –evaluation of measures taken –analyzing outcomes; living conditions of people with disabilities Results and conclusions improves: –National policymaking –Implementation of the convention

4 Methodological challenges National surveys Difficult to identify people with disability in national surveys. Low respons rate

5 New method: Register Studies Swedish National Registers: Total Population Register Register of Sweden´s Population Education Income and Taxation Register Labor Register Personal Identity Number (PIN) –Unique 10-digit number –Health care, population statistics, migration, taxation, education, passports, income and social security etc. –Serves as an identifier in register studies.

6 Study design Database Income & taxes Education Social support Employment Etc. Matching PINS Variables of outcomeComparisons between Level of incomeDisabled and the rest of the population Educational levelMen and women Ongoing educationDifferent ages Employment status Register of Support and Service for Persons with Certain Functional Impairments (LSS) Register of Social Service Act (SoL) 20-64 years N=57 500

7 Results SoLLSSPopulation Higher education 16%5%35% Employment status 11% 7%80% Sickness- & activity- compensation-90%- Financial aid 8%1%3%

8 Methodological weaknesses and strengths Integrity issues –Strict legislation –PIN´s are replaced by coordination numbers –Small groups are excluded from analyzes All disabled are not included Register studies provides –100% coverage –Enables comparisons with the rest of the population –Explicit approval of the individuals are not necessary

9 Conclusion I Adults with disabilities who receive social support live under other conditions than the population in general. Equal living conditions for this group are still a long way off.

10 Conclusion II ”Sweden has a competitive advantage over the rest of the world in its population registries, data sets and social welfare oriented social policies are unique. Build on these strengths to design new disability cohort and population based studies” (International evaluation of Swedish Disability Research )

11 Presented by Karin Flyckt, Programme Officer Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare E-mail: Phone: +46 75 247 35 75

12 ”Still unequal!” 21/stillunequal-summary Swedish disability policy Register studies (Sweden Statistics) dishpersonalidentitynumber- possibilitiesandpitfallsinhealthcareandmedicalresearch

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