JXTAJXTA By Fawaz AlSulaiman

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Presentation on theme: "JXTAJXTA By Fawaz AlSulaiman"— Presentation transcript:

1 JXTAJXTA By Fawaz AlSulaiman FawazAS@gmail.com3718739

2 2 Contents Introduction The Need Peer to Peer Why JXTA Walk Through JXTA Conclusion References

3 3 Introduction JXTA stands for “ juxtapose ” that means putting things aside of each other. Simply, Peer-to-Peer

4 4 History JXTA started as JXTA SEARCH in June 2000 when Gene Kan and Yaroslav Faybishenko of Infrasearch created a demo search engine which connected multiple Web servers together using a peer-to-peer (P2P) protocol. Nearly a year later, the Infrasearch team is now part of Sun ’ s Project JXTA. The Sun ’ s Project can be found on the site http://www.jxta.org http://www.jxta.org

5 5 Peer-to-Peer (P2P) The Internet has three valuable fundamental assets Information which are documents, audios, videos … etc. Network capabilities, “ Bandwidth ”. Computing resources, such as processing, storage The Utilization Ratio for these assets is low ! Because of low end-user contributions

6 6 The Effect of the Traditional Client-Server Computing Model world produces about 2x10 18 bytes of information every year, but only publishes about 3x10 12 bytes. Moreover, Google claims that it searches about only 3.8x10 10 web pages

7 7 Continue Many new fiber have been installed, the new installed bandwidth gets little use since everyone goes to same pages such as Amazon for books or to eBay for auctions. What happen is, “ hot spots just get hotter while cold pipes remain cold ”

8 8 JXTA Objective Interoperability (peer groups, variety of services supported) Platform Independence (Programming Language, OS, Network technology Ubiquity (all digital devices, even not invented yet devices)

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10 10 JXTA Core Building Blocks Peers peer groups Advertisements Messages Pipes Services

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12 12 Advertisement urn:jxta:uuid-59616261646162614E50472050325033A10C F46E7B7041B48C3EBF32A5DA2A4404 JxtaUnicast frodo.replyTo

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14 14 JXTA Protocols Endpoint Routing Protocol (ERP) The Peer Resolver Protocol The Rendezvous Protocol The Peer Discovery protocol (PDP) The Peer Information Protocol (RIP) The Pipe Binding Protocol

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16 16 Rendezvous Peer View Rendezvous super peers maintains its own rendezvous peer view which is an ordered list of other known rendezvous in the peer group by their peer ID ’ s. Rendezvous periodically select a given random number of rendezvous from their local RVP, and send them a random list of their known rendezvous. Rendezvous check their neighbor rendezvous (+1 or more, -1 or less). Rendezvous update and clean non-responding rendezvous from their RPV. Rendezvous might retrieve rendezvous info from a predetermined set of bootstrapping seeding rendezvous.

17 17 Edge peer Rendezvous connection Check its cache for Rdv advertisement. If No response try to propagate request through possible connections If No response Try seed Rendezvous If No response Be a Rendezvous

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22 22 Conclusion JXTA considered one of the biggest project in P2P. A project that unite all works of Peer to Peer JXTA Open Source License attracts a lot of developers and companies.

23 23 References http://www.jxta.org http://www.aim.com Steve Waterhouse, “ JXTA Search: Distributed Search for Distributed Networks ”, Sun Microsystems, Inc., 2001. Li Gong, ” Project JXTA: A Technology Overview ”, Sun Microsystems, Inc., 2002 http://www.google.com JXTATM Technology: Creating Connected Communities, Sun Microsystems, 2004 Sing Li, “ Making P2P interoperable: The JXTA story ”,2001 Bernard Traversat, Ahkil Arora, Mohamed Abdelziz, Mike Duigou, Carl Haywood, “ Project JXTA 2.0 Super-Peer Virtual Network ”, Sun Microsystems, 2003 Daniel Brookshier, Darren Govoni, Navaneeth Krishnan, Juan Carlos Soto “ JXTA: Java P2P Programming ”, SAMS, 1st edition,2002 Ion Stocia, Robert Morris, David Liben-Nowell, “ Chord: A Scalable Peer-to-Peer Lookup Protocol for Internet Applications ”, ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol 11, No.1, 2003 Q.Lv and al., Search and Replication in Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Network, www.cs.princeton.edu/~qlv/download/searchp2p_full.pdf www.cs.princeton.edu/~qlv/download/searchp2p_full.pdf “ Project JXTA: An Open, Innovative Collaboration ”, Sun Microsystems. Rita Yu Chen,Bill Yeager, ” Java mobile agents on project JXTA peer-to-peer Platform ”, Proceedings of the 36th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences(HICSS ’ 03), IEEE, 2002

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