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WELCOME to INTEGRATED SCIENCE Mrs. Gray. Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Ecology.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME to INTEGRATED SCIENCE Mrs. Gray. Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Ecology."— Presentation transcript:


2 Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Ecology.

3 TOPICS QUARTER 1  Physics Unit 1: Nature of Science Unit 2: Describing Motion Unit 3: Newton’s Laws of Motion Unit 4: Energy

4 TOPICS QUARTER 2  Chemistry Unit 5: Physical Properties Unit 6: Chemical Properties Unit 7: Nature of Atoms Unit 8: Electricity & Magnetism

5 TOPICS QUARTER 3  Biology Unit 9: The Cell Unit 10: The evolution of life Unit 11: Diversity of life on earth Unit 12: Mendelian Genetics

6 TOPICS QUARTER 4  Ecology Unit 13: Ecosystems and environment Unit 14: Earths surface--land and water Unit 15: Surface processes Unit 16: Plate Tectonics

7 Class grading Students should expect a test after every section/unit is complete. The tests wills ALWAYS be announced. Tests– 35% Quizzes– 5% Classwork/Homework, etc– 30% Labs/Activities, etc – 30% TBD: FINAL EXAM OR MAJOR ENERGY PROJECT—10% of term 4!

8 What do I need? Bring everyday Binder WITH PAPER Pen/pencil/crayon/marker/etc… Calculator (non-scientific is okay)

9 Cells Phones, etc… Cell phones, tablets, laptops, etc. are allowed in class. This is a privilege. Electronic etiquette is in effect. If they are on during tests, a lesson/lab when the teacher is speaking or you are searching a web site you should not be - you will lose the privilege.

10 Extra Help 7:00 -7:45am M-F 2:15 - 3:00pm M,T,R,F E-mail: Phone: 208-350-4380 ext 1201


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