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13.5 SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION. 1.Nicolaus____ published On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres, a book that proposed the theory of a sun-centered model.

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Presentation on theme: "13.5 SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION. 1.Nicolaus____ published On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres, a book that proposed the theory of a sun-centered model."— Presentation transcript:


2 1.Nicolaus____ published On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres, a book that proposed the theory of a sun-centered model of the universe. 2.Tried for heresies by the Inquisition due to his support of the sun-centered model of the universe. 3.____developed and the theory of gravity. 4.The Danish astronomer Tycho ___ provided evidence to support the sun-centered model of the universe while observing the movement of planets. a.Brahe b. Bacon c. Galileo d. Kepler e. Newton f. Copernicus 5.(No word bank) The official name of the earth-centered model of the universe.

3 OBJECTIVES Explain how new discoveries in astronomy changed the way people viewed the universe. Analyze the contributions that Newton and other scientists made to the Scientific Revolution.

4 THE OLD WAY Stuck in the past (Greeks and Church) Ptolemy’s geocentric theory How did they come up with this idea?

5 SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION Began Mid-1500’s Causes:  necessity  rebirth in learning during Renaissance  Challenging older ways and ancient ideas

6 HELIOCENTRIC THEORY Copernicus (1543) On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres. Proposed heliocentric theory  Backlash  Tycho Brahe’s observatory  Johannes Kepler, used Brahe’s observations, supported with mathematical data (ellipse)


8 GALILEO Started by discounting Aristotle/Ptolemy 1610 Assembled telescope, observed Jupiter’s moons revolve around the planet. Supported Copernicus and called to Rome in front of Inquisition  “And yet it moves.”  Outcome? Ideas stuck

9 SCIENTIFIC METHOD Problem=hypothesis=data=conclusion Bacon moved away from reliance on ancients, stressed experimentation and observation Descartes “I think therefore I am”  Discourse on Method (1637)  Everything within human reason

10 SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION Scientific Method needed new materials  Perfected Microscope by Leeuwenhoek(1590)  Fahrenheit and Celsius Dissection of bodies  On the Structure of the Human Body  Vesalius, first accurate and detailed study of human anatomy  Harvey, circulation of blood and the heart Inoculations

11 NEWTON One set of universal gravitation. Natural laws dominated earth/humanity. Can be measured and described mathematically Gravity Philsophie Naturalis Principia Mathematica

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