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Compton Experiment at ATF Tohru Takahashi Hiroshima University for Collaborators (particularly Omori san for slides)

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Presentation on theme: "Compton Experiment at ATF Tohru Takahashi Hiroshima University for Collaborators (particularly Omori san for slides)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Compton Experiment at ATF Tohru Takahashi Hiroshima University for Collaborators (particularly Omori san for slides)

2 Experimental R/D in ATF. Make a fist prototype 2-mirror cavity Put it in ATF ring Hiroshima-Waseda-Kyoto-IHEP-KEK L cav = 420 mm

3 October 2007: Install the 2-mirror cavity into ATF-DR

4 4 Set up at KEK-ATF 1 Optical cavity slit aperture ~0.26mrad e - e - bea m 15.6m   detector set up   ray

5 First 2008 run ~before summer shutdown~

6 DAQ Schematic Continued to change the length of the external cavity. Only picked up the data when the cavity was resonated. 2.16MH z - e cavity Could pass Comparator Gate was opened for 100ns. T = 463ns PD

7 The appearance of light resonance signal Reflected light Transmitted light In this time, the optical cavity was resonated state Transmitted light Mirror reflectivity : 99.6% Mode locked laser (Photo diode) PD time (ms) Continued to change the length of the external cavity. 1ms

8 8 Procedure of measurement 1 ① Vertical scan Scanning to the laser vertical position and find the best position to observe gamma Vertical scan ② Horizontal scan Vertical was fixed to the best position. Scanning to the Horizontal. Moved accuracy ~ 0.8  m movable table See from upper direction. At horizontal, cavity was leaned at 12 degree Z e - e - When Vertical scan, Moved the cavity to Z direction Z

9 9 Procedure of measurement 2 We found the best collision point ③ Timing scan Vertical and Horizontal were fixed to the best position. And turned on the switch of phase locked loop. After that scanning phase. Timing scan - e bea m 420m m T=2.8ns pulsed laser bea m e -

10 10 Gamma Energy distribution 1 15.6m cavity aperture 26mr  ray detector E  [MeV]  obserbed spectrum for single  is: E(mean) ~23MeV  =6MeV

11 11 Gamma Energy distribution 2 This graph shows the appearance of gamma energy distribution. one of gamma had 16~28 MeV energy. 1 gamma 2 gamma # of counts

12 12 The number of gamma 1 bunch : experiment  ~3.3 simulated by CAIN   ~ 4.5 20 bunches : experiment  ~3.1 simulated by CAIN  ~ 20 In the case of 1 bunch, the number of gamma seems to consist comparing our experiment data with estimate by CAIN. However, the data of 20bunches were inconsistent.The reason of this,there was a possibility that not every electron bunches were collided. We estimated the number of gamma to use a simulation software “CAIN”. bunch distance : 2.8 ns Mirror reflectivity : 99.6% 1 - 0.996 transmitted power stack power=

13 Novmber - December run

14 L cav = n  L cav = m L laser Laser freq = Ring RF Feedback to Achieve 3 Conditions

15 PIDHV Phase Detector Ring RF HV BPF DC + keep resonance PID sync. to Acc. Piezo PD Ref-light Stacking Cavity Laser laser light pulses offset Previous Ssytem QPD

16 PIDHV Phase Detector Ring RF HV BPF DC + keep resonance PID sync. to Acc. Piezo PD Ref-light Stacking Cavity Laser laser light pulses offset Previous System QPD can be SLOW must be FAST

17 PIDHV Phase Detector Ring RF HV BPF DC + keep resonance PID sync. to Acc. small mirror FAST large mirror SLOW Piezo PD Ref-light Stacking Cavity Laser laser light pulses offset Normal Solution QPD can be SLOW must be FAST

18 DC + Phase Detector BPF Piezo PD Ref-light Stacking Cavity Laser PIDHV QPD PIDHV Ring RF keep resonance sync. to Acc. laser light pulses offset (Sakaue) Cross-feedback Solution offset can be SLOW must be FAST small mirror FAST large mirror SLOW

19 Phase Detector Piezo PD Ref-light Stacking Cavity Laser PID Ring RF keep resonance sync. to Acc. laser light pulses offset (Sakaue) Cross-feedback=Closed loop

20 Energy Distribution E  [MeV} 1 bunch ~117MeV ->5  Now, looks multiple photon genearation in laser-electron collision previous run

21 data summary Rough consistency check  ÷ the number of electron ÷ stack power 1 bunch 1.715×10^-12/e/W 2 bunches  1.718×10^-12/e/W 1 bunch data and 2 bunches data seem to consistent The number of  : 6.2 × 2.16×10E+6 [/second] Simulated by Cain 1bunch  : 5.7 2 bunches :6.7 dateelectron number of electrons stacked power # of g bunches/pulse[W]/crossing 2008/11/2017.2E94135.1 2008/11/2021.2E102916.2

22 Summary 1. Success : Resonance Feedback + Phase Lock on Acc RF Before Summer No feedback Trigger : Acc + Transmitted Light Present Separeted Feedback ---> Crossed(loop)-feedback Resonance Feedback + Phase Lock on ACC RF Trigger : Acc 2. Collision Experiment on going 5 gamma / crossing (single-bunch op.) 6 gamma / crossing (two-bunch op.) Consistent: Experiment CAIN simulation Consistent: single-bunch two-bunch We are now tying take up to 20 buch data

23 Summer 2007: Assembling the Optical Cavity

24 24 Set up at KEK-ATF 2  ray Pure CsI scintillator lead shield  15mm UV-pass filter light guide PM T UV-pass filter : Only pass the ultraviolet light. Pure CsI : The maximum emission wavelength : 315nm Emission decay time : 10-16ns Emission decay time is enough to be faster than the data taking time and electron frequency. electron frequency : 2.16MHz ~ 463 ns data taking time : 100ns 300m m slit aperture ~0.26mra d ee --   detector set up   ray bea m

25 Energy Distribution single-bunch operation

26 Optical cavity condition In summer time, we succeeded to keep condition of optical cavity timing lock and locking at resonance point. Last week beam time, Optical cavity was to keep condition timing lock and locking at resonance point. Transmitted light Locking at resonance Timing locked Timing

27 Best collision point data in 1 bunch and 2 bunches 1 bunch2 bunches Scanning to Horizontal position Scanning to Timing After that, we tried to take 3 bunches data. However, gamma detector was broken. Now, gamma detector is recovered.

28 Laser Stacking Optical Cavity in Vacuum Chamber

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