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Thought of the Day In The Patriot, Benjamin Martin did not want to join the war effort. Why? What changed his mind? What would you do, if you were Ben?

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Presentation on theme: "Thought of the Day In The Patriot, Benjamin Martin did not want to join the war effort. Why? What changed his mind? What would you do, if you were Ben?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Thought of the Day In The Patriot, Benjamin Martin did not want to join the war effort. Why? What changed his mind? What would you do, if you were Ben?

2 The Birth of a New Nation

3 What were the characteristics of the Articles of Confederation? -Called for a national legislature that each state would have 1 vote -No executive or judicial branches -Congress could make treaties, declare war, & make trade agreements between states -There was NO power to tax or enforce laws that it made!!!!

4 What problems did the new nation face? -Large debt from Revolutionary War -Raised taxes to pay debt -Led to Shays’ Rebellion -Farmers in Massachusetts clashed with the state military -National government did NOT help -Proved that national gov’t could NOT enforce laws and that the AOC were weak!!

5 What was the structure of the Constitutional Convention? -Began in Philadelphia in 1787 -George Washington was elected the leader of the convention -Decided to throw out the AOC and write a new Constitution

6 Virginia Plan -Called for 3 branches of government -Legislative (2 Houses) -Senate -House of Representatives -Judicial -Executive *State’s population would determine representation* -Smaller states felt that the national gov’t would have too much power

7 New Jersey Plan -Called for a one house legislature with all states equal What compromises were reached?? -The Great Compromise -Bi-cameral legislature (2 houses) -Senate (2 reps.) -House of Representatives (based on pop.) -The 3/5’s Compromise -Southern states wanted to count slaves in pop. so they would have more representatives -Northern states did not -It was decided that each slave would count as 3/5’s of the pop.

8 Thought of the Day Draw a venn diagram illustrating the New Jersey Plan and the Virginia Plan. Then in sentence format, explain how the delegates compromised. (Place your TOD’s in the basket- you should have 5.)

9 Compromise The Slave Trade Compromise -Agreed to NOT limit slave trade until 1808 -Were hoping slavery would be abolished by then Electoral College Compromise -White men with property could vote to elect members of the House of Reps., but not the President -State legislators would choose a group of electors -Those electors would choose the President *The Constitution was signed September 17, 1787*

10 Federalists Beliefs: -Supported the Constitution -Believed in a loose interpretation of the Constitution -Supported a strong national government Chose their name because of strong belief in Federalism - Form of government where power is divided between the federal (national) gov’t and the state gov’t

11 Anti- Federalists Beliefs: -Opposed the Constitution -Believed in a strict interpretation of the Constitution -Feared a strong national government because it could take away from people’s liberty -Wanted a bill of rights added to the Constitution

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