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Section 6.5 Solve Absolute Value Equations. The absolute value ____________________________________________ When an absolute value is alone on one side,

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Presentation on theme: "Section 6.5 Solve Absolute Value Equations. The absolute value ____________________________________________ When an absolute value is alone on one side,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Section 6.5 Solve Absolute Value Equations

2 The absolute value ____________________________________________ When an absolute value is alone on one side, it can never equal a __________________. If it does, the answer is ___________________ Measures the distance for zero negative number No solution or

3 The equation is equivalent to the statement _______________ or _______________. This means that there will be _________________, unless the absolute value equals a ________________. 2 solutions Negative Number If the absolute value equals zero, there is only one solution

4 Is the absolute value bars by itself?


6 Have to get the absolute value bars by themselves before you can write the problems twice.


8 An absolute value can not equal a negative number, so………………… NO SOLUTION !!!!!!


10 When the absolute value equals zero, there is only one solution for the problem so you only have to write it once.

11 No Solution

12 Get a common denominator

13 The absolute deviation of x from 10 is 1.8. Find the values of x that satisfy this requirement. Find the values of x that satisfy the definition of absolute value for a given value of -13.6 and absolute deviation of 2.8

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