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Fig. 11-00. Fig. 11-01 Gene for a glycolysis enzyme Hemoglobin gene Antibody gene Insulin gene White blood cell Pancreas cell Nerve cell Active gene Key.

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Presentation on theme: "Fig. 11-00. Fig. 11-01 Gene for a glycolysis enzyme Hemoglobin gene Antibody gene Insulin gene White blood cell Pancreas cell Nerve cell Active gene Key."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fig. 11-00

2 Fig. 11-01 Gene for a glycolysis enzyme Hemoglobin gene Antibody gene Insulin gene White blood cell Pancreas cell Nerve cell Active gene Key Colorized TEM Colorized SEM

3 Fig. 11-02 Operon turned on (lactose inactivates repressor) Lactose Protein mRNA Lactose enzymes DNA Protein mRNA DNA Operon turned off (lactose absent) Translation Inactive repressor RNA polymerase bound to promoter Transcription Active repressor RNA polymerase cannot attach to promoter Regulatory gene Promoter Operator Operon Genes for lactose enzymes

4 Fig. 11-02a Protein mRNA DNA Operon turned off (lactose absent) Active repressor RNA polymerase cannot attach to promoter Regulatory gene Promoter Operator Operon Genes for lactose enzymes

5 Fig. 11-02b Operon turned on (lactose inactivates repressor) Lactose Protein mRNA Lactose enzymes DNA Translation Inactive repressor RNA polymerase bound to promoter Transcription

6 Fig. 11-03-1 DNA Unpacking of DNA Chromosome Gene

7 Fig. 11-03-2 DNA Transcription of gene Unpacking of DNA Chromosome Gene RNA transcript IntronExon

8 Fig. 11-03-3 DNA Flow of mRNA through nuclear envelope Processing of RNA Transcription of gene Unpacking of DNA Chromosome Gene RNA transcript IntronExon mRNA in nucleus Tail Cap mRNA in cytoplasm Nucleus Cytoplasm

9 Fig. 11-03-4 DNA Flow of mRNA through nuclear envelope Processing of RNA Transcription of gene Unpacking of DNA Chromosome Gene RNA transcript IntronExon mRNA in nucleus Tail Cap mRNA in cytoplasm Nucleus Cytoplasm Breakdown of mRNA

10 Fig. 11-03-5 DNA Flow of mRNA through nuclear envelope Processing of RNA Transcription of gene Unpacking of DNA Chromosome Gene RNA transcript IntronExon mRNA in nucleus Tail Cap mRNA in cytoplasm Nucleus Cytoplasm Breakdown of mRNA Translation of mRNA Polypeptide

11 Fig. 11-03-6 DNA Flow of mRNA through nuclear envelope Processing of RNA Transcription of gene Unpacking of DNA Chromosome Gene RNA transcript IntronExon mRNA in nucleus Tail Cap mRNA in cytoplasm Nucleus Cytoplasm Breakdown of mRNA Translation of mRNA Various changes to polypeptide Active protein Polypeptide

12 Fig. 11-03-7 DNA Flow of mRNA through nuclear envelope Processing of RNA Transcription of gene Unpacking of DNA Chromosome Gene RNA transcript IntronExon mRNA in nucleus Tail Cap mRNA in cytoplasm Nucleus Cytoplasm Breakdown of mRNA Translation of mRNA Breakdown of protein Various changes to polypeptide Active protein Polypeptide

13 Fig. 11-04 Cell division and X chromosome inactivation Allele for orange fur Early embryo: X chromosomes Allele for black fur Inactive X Active X Inactive X Active X Orange fur Two cell populations in adult cat: Black fur

14 Fig. 11-04a Cell division and X chromosome inactivation Allele for orange fur Early embryo: X chromosomes Allele for black fur Inactive X Active X Inactive X Active X Orange fur Two cell populations in adult cat: Black fur

15 Fig. 11-05 Bend in the DNA Enhancers (DNA control sequences) Transcription factor Transcription Promoter Gene RNA polymerase

16 Fig. 11-06-1 Exons DNA 1 2 3 5 4

17 Fig. 11-06-2 RNA transcript Exons DNA 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 5 5 4

18 Fig. 11-06-3 RNA transcript Exons RNA splicing mRNA DNA or 1 2 3 5 1 2 4 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 5 5 4

19 Fig. 11-07-1 Initial polypeptide

20 Fig. 11-07-2 Initial polypeptide Cutting Insulin (active hormone)

21 Fig. 11-08-1 SIGNALING CELL Plasma membrane Signal molecule Secretion TARGET CELL Nucleus

22 Fig. 11-08-2 SIGNALING CELL Plasma membrane Signal molecule Secretion Receptor protein Reception TARGET CELL Nucleus

23 Fig. 11-08-3 SIGNALING CELL Plasma membrane Signal molecule Secretion Receptor protein Reception Signal transduction pathway TARGET CELL Nucleus

24 Fig. 11-08-4 SIGNALING CELL Plasma membrane Signal molecule Secretion Receptor protein Transcription factor (activated) Reception Signal transduction pathway TARGET CELL Nucleus

25 Fig. 11-08-5 SIGNALING CELL mRNA Plasma membrane Signal molecule Secretion Receptor protein Transcription factor (activated) Reception Signal transduction pathway TARGET CELL Nucleus Transcription Response

26 Fig. 11-08-6 SIGNALING CELL mRNA Plasma membrane Signal molecule Secretion Receptor protein Transcription factor (activated) Reception Signal transduction pathway TARGET CELL Nucleus Transcription Response Translation New protein

27 Fig. 11-09 Normal fruit fly Mutant fly with extra wings Normal head Mutant fly with extra legs growing from head

28 Fig. 11-09a Normal fruit fly Mutant fly with extra wings

29 Fig. 11-09b Normal head Mutant fly with extra legs growing from head

30 Fig. 11-10 Fruit fly chromosome Fruit fly embryo (10 hours) Mouse chromosomes Mouse embryo (12 days) Adult fruit flyAdult mouse

31 Fig. 11-10a Fruit fly chromosome Fruit fly embryo (10 hours) Adult fruit fly

32 Fig. 11-10b Mouse chromosomes Mouse embryo (12 days) Adult mouse

33 Fig. 11-11-1 mRNA isolated

34 Fig. 11-11-2 mRNA isolated cDNA made from mRNA Reverse transcriptase and fluorescently labeled DNA nucleotides Fluorescent cDNA

35 Fig. 11-11-3 mRNA isolated cDNA made from mRNA cDNA mixture added to wells DNA microarray Reverse transcriptase and fluorescently labeled DNA nucleotides Fluorescent cDNA

36 Fig. 11-11-4 mRNA isolated DNA of an expressed gene cDNA made from mRNA cDNA mixture added to wells Unbound cDNA rinsed away Fluorescent spot Fluorescent cDNA DNA of an unexpressed gene DNA microarray (6,400 genes) Nonfluorescent spot DNA microarray Reverse transcriptase and fluorescently labeled DNA nucleotides Fluorescent cDNA

37 Fig. 11-11a DNA microarray (6,400 genes)

38 Fig. 11-12-1 Root of carrot plant

39 Fig. 11-12-2 Root cells in growth medium Root of carrot plant

40 Fig. 11-12-3 Cell division in culture Root cells in growth medium Root of carrot plant Single cell

41 Fig. 11-12-4 Young plant Cell division in culture Root cells in growth medium Root of carrot plant Single cell

42 Fig. 11-12-5 Adult plant Young plant Cell division in culture Root cells in growth medium Root of carrot plant Single cell

43 Fig. 11-13-1 Remove nucleus from egg cell

44 Fig. 11-13-2 Donor cell Remove nucleus from egg cell Add somatic cell from adult donor

45 Fig. 11-13-3 Donor cell Nucleus from donor cell Remove nucleus from egg cell Add somatic cell from adult donor Grow in culture to produce an early embryo

46 Fig. 11-13-4 Donor cell Nucleus from donor cell Remove nucleus from egg cell Add somatic cell from adult donor Grow in culture to produce an early embryo Implant embryo in surrogate mother Clone of donor is born Reproductive cloning

47 Fig. 11-13-5 Donor cell Nucleus from donor cell Remove nucleus from egg cell Add somatic cell from adult donor Grow in culture to produce an early embryo Remove embryonic stem cells from embryo and grow in culture Induce stem cells to form specialized cells for therapeutic use Implant embryo in surrogate mother Clone of donor is born Reproductive cloning Therapeutic cloning

48 Fig. 11-13a

49 Fig. 11-14 (a) The first cloned cat (right) (c) Clones of endangered animals (b) Cloning for medical use Gray wolf Gaur Banteng Mouflon calf with mother

50 Fig. 11-14a (a) The first cloned cat (right)

51 Fig. 11-14b (b) Cloning for medical use

52 Fig. 11-14c (c) Clones of endangered animals Gray wolf Gaur Banteng Mouflon calf with mother

53 Fig. 11-15 Adult stem cells in bone marrow Cultured embryonic stem cells Different culture conditions Different types of differentiated cells Heart muscle cells Nerve cells Blood cells

54 Fig. 11-16

55 Fig. 11-17 New promoter Normal growth- stimulating protein in excess Normal growth- stimulating protein in excess Hyperactive growth- stimulating protein Gene moved to new DNA position, under new controls Multiple copies of the gene DNA Mutation within the gene Proto-oncogene (for protein that stimulates cell division) Oncogene

56 Fig. 11-18 Defective, nonfunctioning protein Cell division under control (b) Uncontrolled cell growth (cancer) Normal growth- inhibiting protein Cell division not under control (a) Normal cell growth Tumor-suppressor gene Mutated tumor-suppressor gene

57 Fig. 11-18a Cell division under control Normal growth- inhibiting protein (a) Normal cell growth Tumor-suppressor gene

58 Fig. 11-18b Defective, nonfunctioning protein (b) Uncontrolled cell growth (cancer) Cell division not under control Mutated tumor-suppressor gene

59 Fig. 11-19-1 Oncogene activated DNA changes: Cellular changes: Increased cell division

60 Fig. 11-19-2 Tumor-suppressor gene inactivated Oncogene activated DNA changes: Cellular changes: Increased cell division Growth of benign tumor Colon wall

61 Fig. 11-19-3 Second tumor-suppressor gene inactivated Tumor-suppressor gene inactivated Oncogene activated DNA changes: Cellular changes: Increased cell division Growth of benign tumor Growth of malignant tumor Colon wall

62 Fig. 11-20-1 Normal cell Chromosomes

63 Fig. 11-20-2 1 mutation Normal cell Chromosomes

64 Fig. 11-20-3 1 mutation Normal cell 2 mutations Chromosomes

65 Fig. 11-20-4 1 mutation Normal cell 3 mutations 2 mutations Chromosomes

66 Fig. 11-20-5 1 mutation Normal cell Malignant cell 4 mutations 3 mutations 2 mutations Chromosomes

67 Fig. 11-21

68 Fig. 11-22

69 Fig. 11-T01

70 Fig. 11-T02

71 Fig. 11-UN01

72 Fig. 11-UN02

73 Fig. 11-UN03

74 Fig. 11-UN04

75 Fig. 11-UN05 Regulatory gene A typical operon Promoter Operator Gene 3 Gene 2 Gene 1 Switches operon on or off RNA polymerase binding site Produces repressor that in active form attaches to operator DNA

76 Fig. 11-UN06 Protein breakdown Protein activation mRNA breakdown RNA transport Translation Transcription DNA unpacking RNA processing

77 Fig. 11-UN07 Nucleus from donor cell Embryo implanted in surrogate mother Clone of nucleus donor Early embryo resulting from nuclear transplantation

78 Fig. 11-UN08 Nucleus from donor cell Embryonic stem cells in culture Specialized cells Early embryo resulting from nuclear transplantation

79 Fig. 11-UN09 Proto-oncogene (normal) Oncogene Mutation Normal protein Mutant protein Defective protein Mutation Normal regulation of cell cycle Normal growth-inhibiting protein Out-of-control growth (leading to cancer) Mutated tumor-suppressor gene Tumor-suppressor gene (normal)

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