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1 Welcome to Sales Module 6 in The Web-Based Sales Improvement Program from SalesTrainingTV, a Subsidiary of Contact Based Selling Sales Module 6.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Welcome to Sales Module 6 in The Web-Based Sales Improvement Program from SalesTrainingTV, a Subsidiary of Contact Based Selling Sales Module 6."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Welcome to Sales Module 6 in The Web-Based Sales Improvement Program from SalesTrainingTV, a Subsidiary of Contact Based Selling Sales Module 6

2 2 SETTING THE AGENDA – THE FIRST CRITICAL STEP Sales Module 6 Why Does Having An Agenda Make for a Better Meeting? -There’s a path to follow -There is some controlling mechanism in place to keep us on track -The meeting will be shorter -We make sure to cover the critical things we need to cover

3 3 Sales Module 6 Setting the Agenda for the Call – –What setting the agenda accomplishes for the seller: –All the positives we just mentioned a moment ago…defines a path, time, control, etc. –Establishes control of the call…especially with a tough CEO –Gives the appearance that we’ve done this many times –Establishes that we’ll be closing for something at the end of the call –Thus, putting the client at ease and doing away with the need for so much DECEPTION…

4 4 Sales Module 6 Setting the Agenda for the Call, Continued 2 – You should start with “What we normally do…” Then think of yourself as a doctor…the order within an exam HAS to go like this: We’ll look at your condition first…then tell you about some possible treatments …client’s condition first…then our solutions And we end the agenda telling them about the close -- we introduce YES or NO as the two acceptable answers for any sales call…”At the end of our call, I will ask you for a clear YES, or NO…and please understand, we’re not right for everyone”

5 5 Sales Module 6 Setting the Agenda for the Call, Continued 3 – We want to convey that the truth (even if it’s ugly) is better than a lie and deception But you must understand that clients have been conditioned to give neutral, MAYBE answers…release of conflict…so the Agenda says, “This is a different type of call” –I am letting them know that NO is an acceptable answer (or so it seems) and that it’s far better than MAYBE

6 6 Sales Module 6 Setting the Agenda for the Call, Continued 4 – –You should set an agenda for every call…1st, 2nd, 3rd…sales, service, etc –It’s designed to put the client at ease, and to keep the deceptive prospect at bay –Just like Colombo on the old series didn’t want to alert the suspect that a sharp detective was around

7 7 Sales Module 6 Setting the Agenda for the Call, Continued 5– –Should sound like this, “Here’s what we normally do, I’m going to ask you some questions about your business…then tell you a little about the variety of services we offer…and I may, or may not make some recommendations today…but at the end, I’ll need a clear YES, or NO, as to whether you want to take the next step or not…”

8 8 Sales Module 6 A Sales Call With a Client Can Be Like a First Date In High School Both parties are nervous at first until the ice is broken a bit (rapport) As the date moves along we stumble to talk about ourselves and about the other person In sales we worry about the impending CLOSE…in dating, we worry about the impending KISS OR HUG AT THE DOOR… So like Woody Allen did in Annie Hall…or like Minni Driver did in Good Will Hunting..the agenda says, “Look, let’s just kiss now and avoid all the pressure at the end”…we say, “Look here’s what’s going to happen, and I am going to ask you for a clear decision at the end…and either YES or NO is fine…”

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