Chapter 8 Descriptive Research Designs Using Surveys Chapter 8 Descriptive Research Designs Using Surveys.

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1 Chapter 8 Descriptive Research Designs Using Surveys Chapter 8 Descriptive Research Designs Using Surveys

2 Research Problem describes the situation Research Questions such as who, what, where, when & how Research Objectives identify relationships or determine group differences 8-2

3  Variable - an observable item that is directly measured in a research study, e.g. gender, age, company name, number of employees, number of customers, amount spent, etc.  Construct - an unobservable concept measured indirectly by several related variables, e.g., service quality, satisfaction, materialism, best customer, etc. 8-3

4 ... an empirically testable statement of a relationship developed to explain phenomena, often based on theory. 8-4

5 Nondirectional  There is a significant difference in the satisfaction levels for iPod users versus Zune users. Negative Directional  Students with high GPAs consume less alcohol than students with lower GPAs. Positive Directional  Students with high GPAs and good overall study habits are more likely to participate in campus leadership opportunities. 8-5

6 Employees Food Service Loyalty Value What are the independent and dependent variables? Atmosphere Potential Hypotheses: “Satisfaction” is positively related to perceptions of food, “Satisfaction” is positively related to perceptions of food, employees, service, value and atmosphere. employees, service, value and atmosphere. “Loyalty” is positively related to satisfaction.“Loyalty” is positively related to satisfaction. Theoretical Model – Restaurant Customer Loyalty Satisfaction 8-6

7 Usage Rates for Survey Methods  Internet36.8%  CATI25.3%  Hybrid (combination)12.0%  Face-to-face intercepts11.5%  Mail 3.3%  Other 4.1% Usage Rates for Survey Methods  Internet36.8%  CATI25.3%  Hybrid (combination)12.0%  Face-to-face intercepts11.5%  Mail 3.3%  Other 4.1% 8-7

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11 Situational Characteristics – budget, time, precision Task Characteristics – difficulty, amount of information, sensitive topics Respondent Characteristics – diversity, incidence rate, participation 8-11

12 8-12

13 Four Types... 1. 1.Incorrect problem definition 2. 2.Respondent errors 3. 3.Measurement/questionnaire design 4. 4.Project administration 8-13

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