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Media Processor Lab. Media Processor Lab. High Performance De-Interlacing Algorithm for Digital Television Displays 2006. 12. 25. Media Processor Lab.

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Presentation on theme: "Media Processor Lab. Media Processor Lab. High Performance De-Interlacing Algorithm for Digital Television Displays 2006. 12. 25. Media Processor Lab."— Presentation transcript:

1 Media Processor Lab. Media Processor Lab. High Performance De-Interlacing Algorithm for Digital Television Displays 2006. 12. 25. Media Processor Lab. Sejong univ. E-mail : Dong-seok Kim

2 Media Processor Lab. Media Processor Lab. # 2. Contents  Introduction  Proposed Algorithm  Experimental Results  Conclusion

3 Media Processor Lab. Media Processor Lab. # 3. Introduction (1/2)  ELA (edge-based line average) algorithm  uses the directional correlation between adjacent lines to interpolate the missing pixels  good result, low computational complexity  has a drawback that the picture quality deteriorates in static area  Line-doubling method  Decides whether a horizontal edge exists or not  2-D ELA algorithm  Reconstruct the missing field with the information obtained from the backward and the forward fields  Fuzzy motion detector  Inter-field information  Motion adaptive de-interlacing algorithm

4 Media Processor Lab. Media Processor Lab. # 4. Introduction (2/2)  High-quality spatial-temporal de-interlacing algorithm  Moving-stationary Detector  Recognize the missing pixels of current field belong to moving or stationary region  Selector  Chooses either Spatial-Temporal-Wise interpolation or Temporal-Wise interpolation to interpolate the missing pixels of the current field

5 Media Processor Lab. Media Processor Lab. # 5. Proposed Algorithm (1/8)  Moving-Stationary Detector  performs the detection operation between the Fn, Fn-1, and Fn-2 to determine where the missing pixels belong to moving or stationary region.  Results in the detection information that indicates the missing pixels belong to moving or stationary region.  Selector  Determines where the interpolating pixels of the current field belong to moving or stationary region and selects the interpolation method corresponding to detection information

6 Media Processor Lab. Media Processor Lab. # 6. Proposed Algorithm (2/8)  Spatial-Temporal-Wise Interpolation  Performs the interpolation operation to interpolate the missing pixels by using the adjacent lines in the same field and the information of previous field  Temporal-Wise Interpolation  Performs the interpolation operation to interpolate the missing pixels by using the information of the previous field  Field Re-constructor  Reconstructs the pixels that produced by Spatial-Temporal-Wise interpolation of Temporal-Wise interpolation function to form a de- interlaced field  Merge  Combines the interpolated fields and the original fields to form a progressive frame

7 Media Processor Lab. Media Processor Lab. # 7. Proposed Algorithm (3/8)  Moving-Stationary Detector

8 Media Processor Lab. Media Processor Lab. # 8. Proposed Algorithm (4/8)  Moving-Stationary Detector (cont’)  D T (x, n) : difference of temporal information at vector x in the field n and field n - 2  Ds (x, n) : difference of the spatial information at vector x in the field n - 1  x : coordinates I and j of the current interpolating pixel  CIP (Conditions of Interpolated Pixels)

9 Media Processor Lab. Media Processor Lab. # 9. Proposed Algorithm (5/8)  Selector  Determines where the current interpolating pixel belongs to moving or stationary region according to the detection information  Moving region : Spatial-Temporal-Wise interpolation  Stationary region : Temporal-Wise interpolation

10 Media Processor Lab. Media Processor Lab. # 10. Proposed Algorithm (6/8)  Spatial-Temporal-Wise Interpolation  F (x, n) : the interpolated pixel at coordinate (i, j)  n : current field  Median( - ) : median operation

11 Media Processor Lab. Media Processor Lab. # 11. Proposed Algorithm (7/8)  Temporal-Wise Interpolation  F (x, n) : the interpolated pixel at coordinate (i, j)  n : current field

12 Media Processor Lab. Media Processor Lab. # 12. Proposed Algorithm (8/8)  Flowchart of proposed algorithm  Step1 : Determine the missing pixel that belongs to the moving or stationary region by Moving-Stationary Detector module. If the missing pixel belongs to moving region, go to Step2; otherwise, go to Step3.  Step2 : Interpolate the missing pixels by the Spatial-Temporal-Wise interpolation method. Go to Step4.  Step3 : Interpolate the missing pixels by the Temporal-Wise interpolation method.  Step4 : If all of the missing pixels are interpolated, go to Step5; otherwise, go to Step1.  Step5 : Merge the original fields and interpolated pixels to generate the progressive picture and finish the interpolation.

13 Media Processor Lab. Media Processor Lab. # 13. Experimental Results

14 Media Processor Lab. Media Processor Lab. # 14. Conclusion  In the proposed algorithm, the main idea is to classify the missing pixels into moving and stationary regions.  Two interpolation methods named spatial-temporal- wise and temporal-wise are used for producing the de-interlaced frame.  By simply operations, the proposed algorithm can be applied efficiently on high definition TV display applications.

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