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Pastiche (noun) – piece of music or writing or art that combines several different styles, borrow a mixture of music or art - a dramatic, literary, or.

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Presentation on theme: "Pastiche (noun) – piece of music or writing or art that combines several different styles, borrow a mixture of music or art - a dramatic, literary, or."— Presentation transcript:

1 pastiche (noun) – piece of music or writing or art that combines several different styles, borrow a mixture of music or art - a dramatic, literary, or musical piece openly imitating the previous works of other artists, often with satirical intent. Examples: Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody is a pastiche because it combines rock with classical music. Synonyms : Mixture, appropriation, variety

2 patent (n). a protected invention or process (adj.) – clear or obvious; readily visible Examples: There was a patent breach of good manners in the way the student addressed to his teacher. Synonyms : Obvious, manifest, bold, open Antonyms : Unclear hidden

3 phenomenon (noun) – occurrence, fact, observable circumstance (Plural) - phenomena Examples: Scientists observe the different current phenomena that lead to global warming. Synonyms : Occurrence, experience, event Antonyms : Not occurring, not seen, uneventful

4 philanthropist (noun) – someone who gives to worth causes Examples: Many rich people are philanthropists as they donate money to charities. Synonyms : humanitarian Antonyms : Miser, stingy

5 pious (adj.) – having reverence for a god, devoutly religious Examples: My grandma is very pious; she prays every day and goes to church every Sunday. Synonyms : Devout, religious, dutiful Antonyms : irreverent

6 plateau (noun) – a land area having a relatively level surface - a condition of neither growth nor decline Examples: He reached the plateau of his career. Synonyms : Stable, level Antonyms : Unstable, shaky

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