Hickory Ridge M.S. 2012-2013. MIDDLE SCHOOL ELIGIBILITY 2 nd semester Final Grade determines Fall and Winter ONE eligibility - (The grade is designated.

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1 Hickory Ridge M.S. 2012-2013

2 MIDDLE SCHOOL ELIGIBILITY 2 nd semester Final Grade determines Fall and Winter ONE eligibility - (The grade is designated by 2SY on Report Card) 1 st semester Final Grade determines Winter TWO and Spring eligibility - (The grade is designated by 1SY on Report Card) (70 OR above is considered a passing grade) Must have passed a minimum 3 of 4 core courses (Science, Socials Studies, Language Arts, Math) Must have passed at least 1 of 2 encore courses Must have at least 85% attendance previous semester All rising 7 th graders are eligible to participate 1 st semester

3 MIDDLE SCHOOL ELIGIBILITY Ineligible for 7 th grade Athletics if turning 14 years of age on or before August 31 st of that school year Ineligible for 8 th grade Athletics if turning 15 years of age on or before August 31 st of that school year Must have a current medical physical cleared by a physician within last year to be able to tryout Insurance Waiver Form Completion of Participation packet (found on “Maverick” Athletics” website and in front office of school)

4 MEDICAL PAPERWORK MUST complete Cabarrus County forms in order to be eligible: Pre-Participation Physical Evaluation (signed and dated by a registered physician—must clear you to participate) Athletic Insurance Waiver Form Middle/High School Athletic Participation Form Eligibility Form Gfeller/Waller Concussion Document (Student/Parents) Emergency Card, Sportsmanship pledge, Domicile All forms or complete tryout packet can be picked up in front office or downloaded from Hickory Ridge Athletic web-page

5 MEDICAL PAPERWORK You will not be able to participate in tryouts or practices until Cabarrus County athletic paperwork is complete Once turned in, all medical paperwork will be kept on file for one calendar year……so if you tryout or participate in one sport, your paperwork will be good for all following sports in that year ****PHYSICAL ONLY GOOD ONE YEAR FROM DATE OF WHEN PHYSICAL WAS DONE – After one year, the physical has expired – and a new physical is needed in order to participate

6 W HERE CAN I FIND INDIVIDUAL TEAM INFORMATION ? The BEST place to check for individual team information is the “Athletic” website located within the Hickory Ridge Middle School website. Coach information, and schedule. Athletic paperwork is very important to have turned in prior to tryouts. Without the athletic paperwork…you will not be allowed to tryout Please see the Athletic Director – Mr. Cline or any of our coaches/athletic trainer if you have any questions!

7 FALL SPORTS & TRYOUTS  Fall Sports 2013: 7 th Grade Football 8 th Grade Football Softball Cheerleading (Tryouts for Cheerleading will take place in May of 2013)  The first official day of tryouts for Fall Sports will be August 17 th, 2012  Check the Hickory Ridge Athletics web-page throughout the summer for updated information on tryout/practice times and locations

8 TRYOUTS Four seasons of sports in Middle School: Fall, Winter One, Winter Two, Spring Fall (August 17 to October 16) 7 th Grade Football 8 th Grade Football Softball 7 th Grade Cheerleading 8 th Grade Cheerleading Winter One (October 17 to Dec 19) 8 th Grade Boys Basketball 8 th Grade Girls Basketball Wrestling 8 th Grade Cheerleading Winter Two (January 2 to March 5) 7 th Grade Boys Basketball 7 th Grade Girls Basketball 7 th Grade Cheerleading Spring (March 6 to May 8) Baseball Volleyball Boys Track Girls Track Athletic participation is open to 7 th and 8 th Graders only This information does not include Club Sport information

9 ATHLETIC EVENT STAFF To work and assist in the operations of home athletic events for all sports at Hickory Ridge Middle….Job responsibilities include: Working in concessions Helping sell athletic merchandise Setting up & tearing down for athletic events Running scoreboard or scorekeeping Working chains at football games Assisting the Athletics Director wherever needed.

10 ATHLETIC EVENT STAFF Privileges of being on Athletic Event Staff: Free Admission to athletic events Free Athletic Event Staff t-shirt One free concession items at games you are working Plus more!! Please listen to the announcements for information at the beginning of school in August! Open to 6 th, 7 th, and 8 th Graders!

11 WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE A MAVERICK STUDENT-ATHLETE? You Will Be Held To A Higher Standard!! By your coaches By your teachers By the administration By your peers And most importantly…..by yourself 2013-2014—become a part of Maverick Athletics to continue a great tradition!

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