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World War I Why did British victory in WWI lead to the repressive Rowlatt Acts in 1919?

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1 World War I Why did British victory in WWI lead to the repressive Rowlatt Acts in 1919?

2 Main points Economic and political effects of WWI on India. Congress and the Muslim League. The Government of India Act The Rowlatt Acts

3 Economic effects of WWI India’s contribution: 1.5 million recruits and £146,000,000, mainly through increased taxation. Disrupted trade: price rises, e.g. Food grains rose by 93%. Expansion of Indian manufactures: cotton, iron and steel, sugar, engineering and chemicals. Huge profits – class divisions increased. Inflation led to strikes and food riots. British concerns about losing a vital part of empire. Russian influence.

4 Political effects of WWI Increased Indian expectations of Home Rule. Effect of war time propaganda and the Peace Treaties in Europe. Lucknow Pact of 1916 united Hindus and Muslims. Fixed number of seats for minorities. Home Rule Leagues: Bal Tilak and Annie Besant. Popular politics. 60,000 recruits led to British repression.

5 The Government of India Act, December 1919 Edwin Montagu: Secretary of State for India. Declaration spoke of more Indians in ‘every branch of administration’...’with a view to self- government’...within the British Empire’. Was this concession just a tactic to maintain control, or a just reward for war time service?

6 The terms of the 1919 Act. ‘Dyarchy’. 1/2 advisors on Viceroy’s council to be Indians. Viceroy retained power to enforce laws. Provincial Councils given extended powers over local government, e.g. Health and education, agriculture and roads. British retained control of state policies. Extension of suffrage: 10% adult males. ‘Reserved seats’ in provincial assemblies.

7 Reaction to the 1919 Act. ‘A step to self-government’: divided opinion in Britain and India. Indian Civil Service felt undermined. Indians expecting Home Rule were bitterly disappointed: riots in Punjab and boycott of the first elections held under the Act by the Indian National Congress.

8 Rowlatt Acts, March 1919 The Rowlatt Acts were passed ‘with extreme reluctance’ by Montagu before the Govt. Of India Act in December. Provisions included: imprisonment without trial; trial without jury; censorship; and house arrest of suspects. An iron fist in a velvet glove?

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