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Everything you wanted to know about APA…. but were afraid to ask.

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1 Everything you wanted to know about APA…. but were afraid to ask.



4 Academic Departments academic/psycholo gy/

5 Title Page Abstract Introduction Method Participants Apparatus Procedure Results Discussion References 1 Lab Format

6 Title Page Abstract Introduction Sub Topic A Sub Topic B Sub Topic C Conclusion References 1 Essay Format



9 Supporting Your Arguments Paraphrase carefully Always cite paraphrases

10 Removing Bias in Language

11 Gender Neutral Pronouns When an individual conducts this kind of self-appraisal, he is a much stronger person When individuals conduct this kind of self-appraisal, they are much stronger persons.

12 Pronoun Agreement The researcher was... they … Researchers were …… they An individual………they …….. The individuals…….they …… A participant was……they ….. The participants were….they …..

13 People first, not disability PROBLEMATICPREFERRED disabled person defective child mentally ill person person with (who has) a disability child with a congenital disability child with a birth impairment person with mental illness or psychiatric disability

14 Do not label people by their disability PROBLEMATICPREFERRED schizophrenics epileptics amputee paraplegics the disabled the mentally ill people who have schizophrenia individuals with epilepsy person with an amputation individuals with paraplegia people with disabilities people with a mental illness or psychiatric disability

15 Overextending a disability PROBLEMATICPREFERRED the physically disabled the learning disabled chronic mental illness individuals with a physical disability children with specific learning disabilities adult with mental retardation long-term or persistent mental illness or psychiatric disability

16 Neutral Expressions PROBLEMATICPREFERRED the physically disabled the learning disabled chronic mental illness individuals with a physical disability children with specific learning disabilities adult with mental retardation long-term or persistent mental illness or psychiatric disability

17 Issues of Designation PROBLEMATICPREFERRED Sexual preference The sample consisted of 200 adolescent homosexuals It was subjects' sex, not their sexual orientation, that affected number of friendships. Sexual orientation The sample consisted of 100 gay male and 100 lesbian adolescents It was subjects' gender, not their sexual orientation, that affected number of friendships.

18 Issues of Designation PROBLEMATICPREFERRED Sexual preference The sample consisted of 200 adolescent homosexuals It was subjects' sex, not their sexual orientation, that affected number of friendships. Sexual orientation The sample consisted of 100 gay male and 100 lesbian adolescents It was subjects' gender, not their sexual orientation, that affected number of friendships.

19 Problems of Evaluation PROBLEMATICPREFERRED Ten subjects were married and five were single. AIDS education must extend beyond the gay male population into the general population. Ten subjects were legally married, three were living with heterosexual partners, and two were living with lesbian partners AIDS education must not focus only on selected groups.

20 Problems of Evaluation PROBLEMATICPREFERRED The sample included 400 undergraduate students. The sample of 400 undergraduate students included 250 Whites (125 males and 125 females) and 150 Blacks (75 males and 75 females).

21 Numbers and Variables X’s and O’sXs and Os In the 1990’s, In the 1990s

22 Numbers Each of the nine participants was ……. Each of the 40 participants was….. Forty participants were…….

23 Numbers Grouped for comparison: 3 of 21 analyses 2 of the 20 responses but 15 traits on each of four checklists ( traits and checklists are not being compared)

24 Numbers Representing mathematical functions: 3 times as many more than 5% of the sample

25 Numbers Representing time, dates, ages, sample, or population size: 2-year-olds In about 3 years... 2 weeks ago 3 participants (but seven observers)

26 Numbers Back-to-back modifiers: 2 two-way interactions Ten 7-point scales Twenty 6-year-olds

27 Referencing RefWorks RefWorks

28 One recent study showed another link between stress and peer pressure, which ….. (McKenna, 2004). McKenna (2004) showed another link between stress and peer pressure, which …….. One Author

29 Two Authors – always use both names The ethical implications are ……… (Majumder & Pencer, 2002). Majumder and Pencer (2002) discussed ……....

30 3,4,or 5 Authors First Citation They proved that ….. (Brebner, Lomore, & Edwards, 2004). Brebner, Lomore, and Edwards (2004) proved that…...

31 3,4, or 5 Authors – Subsequent Citations Shorten to first surname et al. The research proved that….(Chisholm et al., 2004). Chisholm et al. (2002) discovered that…….

32 Six+ Automatically use first surname et al. They clarified their results by…. (MacLean et al., 2005). MacLean et al. (2005) clarified the results by………..

33 Secondary Sources Stern (1975, as cited in Bigelow, 2002) described …….. The researcher described….. (Stern, 1975, as cited in Bigelow, 2002).

34 Connell, D. (1997). Participatory development:An approach sensitive to class and gender. Development Practice, 7(3), 248- 259. Reference: Article from a Journal

35 Reference: Article with no DOI Assigned Sillick, T. J., & Schutte, N. S. (2006). Emotional intelligence and self-esteem mediate between perceived early parental love and adult happiness. E-Journal of Applied Psychology, 2(2), 38–48. Retrieved from http://ojs.lib.swin. 7/1/100

36 Reference: Article with DOI Assigned Stultz, J. (2006). Integrating exposure therapy and analytic therapy in trauma treatment. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 76(4), 482–488. doi:10.1037/0002-9432.76.4.482

37 The Writing Centre Come and see us. Call for an appointment. 867-5221

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