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Objective 2: Examine the reasons for U.S. escalation in Vietnam and how 1968 marked a turning point in the War. 1968- The Vietnam War.

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Presentation on theme: "Objective 2: Examine the reasons for U.S. escalation in Vietnam and how 1968 marked a turning point in the War. 1968- The Vietnam War."— Presentation transcript:

1 Objective 2: Examine the reasons for U.S. escalation in Vietnam and how 1968 marked a turning point in the War. 1968- The Vietnam War

2 1968 A Tumultuous Year

3 Review: Cause of War Vietnamese independence Reasons for US involvement Containment Gulf of Tonkin American People’s response Draft Protests Who is the Enemy? Viet Cong (VC)- South Vietnamese forces siding with N. Vietnam NVA- North Vietnamese Army Ho Chi Minh- supplying VC with trail.

4 U.S Plans in Vietnam Enemy Strategy- US Strategy- Search and Destroy US Goal- Train South Vietnamese forces to defend country on their own Pacification: a policy designed to promote security and stability in South Vietnam. (2 part program) 1- Economic development of rural S. Vietnam 2- Army of Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) remove Vietcong from villages

5 Vietnam in HD The Tet Offensive: 43:39 Question Sheet

6 Tet Offensive Tet- Vietnamese holiday Both sides agreed to Cease Fire NVA & VC launch surprise attacks across S. Vietnam Tet Offensive shock American People Enemy invasions of US embassy Enemy invasions of US bases Journalist reports Most causalities were VC & NVA Militarily this was a US victory!

7 The Tet Offensive changes Americans’ view of the War Psychological Defeat for US Enemy was able to infiltrate/invade American strong holds War was hell No amount of positive analysis from administration could persuade reporters or the public that this was a U.S victory Widening Credibility Gap

8 Tet Offensive- in short Cause: Vietcong saw as a strategic moment to strike the U.S. and South Vietnamese forces Lunar New Year celebration: Easy way for VC to move in weapons Effect: Showed U.S. weakness and changed public opinion about the war Psychological and political defeat Images of enemy attacks played out on TV for the world to see

9 1968 Election Cause: Antiwar movement led Democratic Party to challenge Johnson’s candidacy People upset with Johnson’s handling of the war in Vietnam Effect: Johnson dropped out of the race, changed his Vietnam policy, and pushed Robert Kennedy into the lead for Democratic Party presidential candidacy

10 1968- Year of Losses April 4, 1968: MLK, Jr. Assassinated Cause: Anger with Civil Rights Movement Effect: Riots broke out across U.S. June 5, 1968: Robert Kennedy Assassinated Cause: Anger over his support of Israel, Palestinian immigrant shot Kennedy Effect: Anguish over leader’s loss, no contention for Nixon in election

11 Democratic National Convention Disorder struck the Democratic Party since the beginning of the election season Cause: Disagreement on who should be the Democratic Presidential candidate Protesters showed up to show disapproval of Hubert Humphrey’s supposed nomination Riots broke out: protesters beaten and Maced Democratic Delegates openly argued with one another within convention TV crews filmed who scene as nation watched party fall apart Effect: Americans lost faith in the Democrats

12 Nixon Victory Republican, Richard Nixon, wins the 1968 Presidential Election Cause: Democratic Party fell apart & Americans did not like Johnson’s handling of Vietnam

13 Nixon as the Nation’s leader Nixon connected with voters by promising to maintain “law and order” at home and secure “peace with honor” in Vietnam. In 1968 Nixon promised to end the war in Vietnam. “Carrot-and-stick” approach with enemy Carrot is the reward- stopping bombing, withdrawing troops Stick is the punishment: show enemy the US would do anything to win the war!

14 The Carrot: Withdrawal Begins Gradual withdrawal of troops plan known as Vietnamization Put together by Henry Kissinger: Nixon’s National Security Advisor Three main goals of Vietnamization: self-government self-development self-defense. Aug 1969 : 25,000 men come home

15 The Stick: Madman Theory Although troops began coming home Nixon continued to bomb North Vietnam (Madman Theory) He would make North Vietnams leaders and the allies, the USSR and China, believe that he would do anything to win the war. To win support for war policy Nixon appealed to the silent majority: moderate mainstream Americans

16 Is Peace in reach? President Nixon had hoped to arrange a peaceful end to the Vietnam War that would leave South Vietnam free and independent. Why did the US fail to achieve that goal? Events that shook America…

17 #1- My Lai Massacre My Lai- Village in South Vietnam Mar 16, 1968- US soldiers search for Viet Cong Search-and-destroy mission- but found no VC U.S. Platoon under command of lieutenant William Calley, Jr. massacred civilians in village- rounded up 500 200 women, children and elderly men 25 charged with crime – Calley only one imprisoned

18 #2 Cambodian Invasion 1970 - U.S. invaded Cambodia in order to clear out NVA & VC supplies stations and troops (military goal) *Successful! The political goal was to “show the enemy we were still serious about our commitment in Vietnam.” Expanded war into neutral country- protests in US increase Peace talks boycotted by Communist countries *failure

19 #3 Kent State 1970 : Student protest at Kent State University in Ohio lead to burning of ROTC building National Guard called in : fired live rounds of ammo in crowd- 9 wounded & 4 killed

20 "The day the war came home" 4 died, 9 wounded 13 seconds, 67 rounds Ten days later at Jackson state College in Mississippi a similar scene took place. Protestors threw debris at police and the officers responded with a shotgun and machine gun fired that left 2 students dead.

21 Congress repeals Gulf of Tonkin Resolution The protests and results disgusted Americans. “The more divided we are at home, the less likely the enemy is going to negotiate at Paris.” -Nixon said. “Display the flag mom and dad, and tell your friends to do the same. It means so much to us to know we’re supported, to know not everyone feels we’re making a mistake being here.”- Army nurse wrote to her parents. Congress repeals Gulf of Tonkin Resolution- which gave president power to escalate conflict without consent from congress. Now, the War Powers Resolution law placed strict limits on a president’s power to use the armed forces in hostilities without congressional authorization. By then, support for the war in Congress had greatly declined.

22 How will Vietnam War end? What is the best ending? How can US keep honor and keep word to the allies What will the world think?

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