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Integumentary System Chapter 5.

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1 Integumentary System Chapter 5

2 Skin Color Cyanosis-blue-lack of oxygen
Pallor/blanching-pale-lack of blood flow, low blood pressure Jaundice-yellow/liver disorder Bruises-black, blue-blood has escaped + clotted in tissue spaces. (Called hematoma) Lack of Vit. C can also cause easy bruising b/c it strengthens walls of capillaries/blood vessels Carotene-yellow/orange color

3 Skin Color contd. Freckles- melanin accumulation
Age spots (liver spots)-accumulation of melanin with age Nevus (mole)- round, flat, or raised area that develops in childhood. Albinism-inability to produce melanin

4 Skin Appendages Sebaceous glands-secretes oil/found around hair follicles Sebum- oil- keeps skin soft Acne-overactive sebaceous glands due to hormones Whitehead- sebaceous gland blocked by sebum WBC rush in

5 Skin Appendages contd. Blackhead – when the material from whitehead oxidizes, dries, and hardens Boil- where hair follicle becomes inflamed/infected + pus accumulates under skin. Bacteria has gotten into pore. Carbuncle- several boils together Seborrhea- (cradle cap) yellow, brown crust on head

6 Appendages Contd. 2. Sweat Glands
Eccrine-produce sweat, which is made up of water, salt, vit. C, traces of ammonia, urea, and lactic acid Apocrine- larger than eccrine and empties into hair follicles. Contains fatty acids, proteins, + substances in eccrines. Usually yellow in color. Activate during puberty

7 3. Ceruminous glands- ear – secretes cerumen (ear wax)
4. Hair/Nails- hair everywhere on body except palms of hands, soles of feet, nipples, lips. You are born with all hair follicles. Has 3 main parts Medulla Cortex Cuticle-lots of keratin

8 Hair contd. Cuticle undergoes lots of abrasion = split ends
Arrector pili muscle- contracts and causes hair to stand Alopecia = hair loss Gray hair = lack of melanin

9 Nails Nonliving material Modified epidermis Keratinized cells
Lanula = white moon shape Normal color = pink, Cyanotic = low oxygen

10 Burns Tissue Damage + cell death due to intense heat, UV, electricity, or chemicals Body loses fluids-dehydration Infection can occur Immune system becomes depressed

11 Degrees of burns 1st degree- red and swollen
2nd degree- red, painful, blisters 3rd degree-entire thickness burned, grafting

12 Skin Cancer Causes of cancer are unknown. Believed to be overexposure to UV light, skin infections, chemicals, or trauma. 3 types: Basal Cell Carcinoma- least threatening, slow growing, shiny, dome-shaped, 78% of cases Squamous Cell Carcinoma-scaly, red on scalp, ears, hands, raised border, 20% of cases Malignant Melanoma- most-threatening, spreading brown/black pattern, 2% of cases

13 “ABCD” rule for recognizing skin cancer
“A” Asymmetry- sides don’t match “B” Border-irregularity, borders not smooth “C” Color-different colors “D” Diameter-larger than the size of a pencil eraser

14 Cosmetic Anti-aging treatments for skin
Microdermabrasion-tiny crystals under pressure Chemical peel-glycolic acid Laser resurfacing Dermal fillers-collagen Botox-botulism (diluted) Facelift, brow lift, neck lift = skin removed Topical ointments- retinol

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