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Plant Reproduction. Ferns, Mosses and Liverworts.

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Presentation on theme: "Plant Reproduction. Ferns, Mosses and Liverworts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plant Reproduction


3 Ferns, Mosses and Liverworts

4 Flowers are the reproductive organs of angiosperms – the dominant terrestrial vegetation today

5 Structure and function of the flower stigma style ovary ovule carpel filament stamen petal sepal receptacle peduncle anther


7 Flower Structure Quiz What is the name of the structure labelled X in the diagram? B.sepal C.stamen D.peduncle A.carpel X

8 Flower Structure Quiz Where is pollen made? A.stigma B.sepal C.anther D.ovary

9 Flower Structure Quiz Where is the ovule found in a flower? A.petals C.nectary D.ovary Flower Structure Pollination Fertilisation Seed Dispersal Germination Test

10 Flower Structure Quiz Which parts of the flower are labelled below: B. X = filament, Y = anther X Y C. X = stigma, Y = style D. X = anther, Y = filament A. X = style, Y = stigma

11 Pollination The pollen grain contains the male sex cell (gamete)

12 Pollination is the transfer of pollen from the anther to the stigma

13 Male gamete is contained within a pollen grain. The hard outer coating protects them both physically and from desiccation.

14 Pollen can be carried between flowers by insects or by wind


16 Wind-pollinated flowers are different in structure to insect pollinated flowers as they do not have to attract insects to them but do need to be exposed to the wind. Petals are small and green as there is no need to attract insects Stigmas are feathery to catch pollen carried in wind Anthers are exposed to the wind so that pollen can easily be blown away Pollen grains are very small and light. They occur in very large numbers No scent or nectary Flower Structure Pollination Fertilisation Seed Dispersal Germination Test

17 Insect-pollinated flowers are adapted to attract insects to enable the transfer of pollen Sticky stigma to collect pollen Brightly coloured petals nectar and a scent present Pollen has barbs for hooking onto insect fur Anthers positioned to rub pollen onto insects Flower Structure Pollination Fertilisation Seed Dispersal Germination Test

18 Eggs are enclosed and protected within an ovary. After fertilisation of the egg the embryo develops inside a structure with food reserves and a protective coat.

19 Angiosperms have formed successful relationships with animals And also the wind

20 Pollination Quiz Pollination is the transfer from….? A. stigma to anther to stamen D.anther to stigma C.ovule to filament

21 Pollination Quiz Two mechanisms for pollination are? A.Wind and water C.Insect and water B.Insect and wind D.Wind and birds

22 Pollination Quiz Contains food to support initial embryo plant growth A.Testa B.Radicle D.Plumule C.Cotyledon

23 Pollination Quiz Flowers are adapted for wind-pollination by… C.Having feathery stigmas B.Having a nectary A.Having bright petals and a scent D.Having sticky stigmas

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