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CS3100 Software Project Management Agile Approaches.

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1 CS3100 Software Project Management Agile Approaches

2 CS3100 Software Project ManagementSlide 2 Learning Objectives 1. Reflect on Traditional Approaches and their effectiveness in delivering successful projects? 2. Consider Alternative ways of running projects. 3. Understand XP as an example Agile methodology

3 CS3100 Software Project ManagementSlide 3 A Short History of Methodology In the old days Small systems Adhoc development (No methodologies) Dijkstra (1968) GOTO Statement Considered Harmful Then (80s-90s) Large systems BIG methodologies Design up-front Long test-cycles (unpredictable & expensive)

4 CS3100 Software Project ManagementSlide 4 Justification for Methodologies Late change is costly Requirements Analysis Design Implementation Testing Production Cost

5 CS3100 Software Project ManagementSlide 5 Make changes early Lots of up-front planning Nail down requirements early Waterfall mentality

6 CS3100 Software Project ManagementSlide 6 But does this stop change? Does a client’s business stop changing? What if the user wants changes? How do we deal with this?

7 CS3100 Software Project ManagementSlide 7 More Modern View Customer requirements change Accept it Be Adaptive Lightweight (Agile) methodologies Late 90s brought the Agile Alliance

8 CS3100 Software Project ManagementSlide 8 Agile Alliance Manifesto We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value: That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more. Individuals and interactions over processes and tools Working software over comprehensive documentation Customer collaboration over contract negotiation Responding to change over following a plan

9 CS3100 Software Project ManagementSlide 9 eXtreme Programming - XP is an Agile Methodology - A set of Core Principles - Based on Four Values - If principles are good then: apply them in their extreme form!

10 CS3100 Software Project ManagementSlide 10 Values 1. Communication 2. Simplicity 3. Feedback 4. Courage

11 CS3100 Software Project ManagementSlide 11 - Regular Stand-up meetings - Customer always available Communication

12 CS3100 Software Project ManagementSlide 12 Simplicity - Do only what is needed now - Add functionality only as needed - Don’t assume what is needed later

13 CS3100 Software Project ManagementSlide 13 Feedback - From tests - From customer - From testers - Feedback drives the process

14 CS3100 Software Project ManagementSlide 14 Courage - Do what needs doing - Throw stuff away - Try alternatives

15 CS3100 Software Project ManagementSlide 15 XP Process User Stories Release Planning Iteration bugs iterate based on J Donvan Wells 2000 Small Releases approval Acceptance Tests

16 CS3100 Software Project ManagementSlide 16 Planning Process Summarised - User Stories written by customer - Developers estimate (1-3 weeks) - Stories scheduled in release plan - Customer accepts finished story Use acceptance tests to verify stories - Customer is always available Monitor project velocity and re-plan!

17 CS3100 Software Project ManagementSlide 17 XP Roles 1. Customer 2. Programmer 3. Coach 4. Tracker 5. Tester 6. Doomsayer

18 CS3100 Software Project ManagementSlide 18 XP Practices 1. The Planning Process 2. Frequent, Small Releases 3. System Metaphor 4. Simple Design 5. Test Driven Development 6. Refactoring 7. Pair Programming 8. Collective Code Ownership 9. Continuous Integration 10. Sustainable Pace 11. On-site Customer 12. Coding Standard

19 CS3100 Software Project ManagementSlide 19 Other Agile Flavours - Lean Development Based on lean manufacturing - SCRUM Highly Iterative

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