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IMPRS Lindau, 6.2.2003 Space weather and plasma simulation Jörg Büchner, MPAe Lindau Collaborators: B. Nikutowski and I.Silin, Lindau A. Otto, Fairbanks.

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Presentation on theme: "IMPRS Lindau, 6.2.2003 Space weather and plasma simulation Jörg Büchner, MPAe Lindau Collaborators: B. Nikutowski and I.Silin, Lindau A. Otto, Fairbanks."— Presentation transcript:

1 IMPRS Lindau, 6.2.2003 Space weather and plasma simulation Jörg Büchner, MPAe Lindau Collaborators: B. Nikutowski and I.Silin, Lindau A. Otto, Fairbanks

2 IMPRS Lindau, 6.2.2003Outline What is „Space Weather“: Manifestation, consequences, action at Earth and in space What is „Space Weather“: Manifestation, consequences, action at Earth and in space How does it work ? - Main scenarios of plasma heating and particle acceleration by artists‘s movies How does it work ? - Main scenarios of plasma heating and particle acceleration by artists‘s movies MODELING AND SIMULATION APPROACHES: MODELING AND SIMULATION APPROACHES: Force free magnetic fields -> lowest order solar fields Force free magnetic fields -> lowest order solar fields Ideal MHD -> large scale motion in the corona Ideal MHD -> large scale motion in the corona Resistive MHD -> reconnection in the transition region Resistive MHD -> reconnection in the transition region Kinetic simulation -> dissipation, structure formation Kinetic simulation -> dissipation, structure formation State of the art global simulation and outlook State of the art global simulation and outlook

3 IMPRS Lindau, 6.2.2003 Manifestation: Aurora

4 IMPRS Lindau, 6.2.2003 Action in Space

5 IMPRS Lindau, 6.2.2003 Space Weather: consequences

6 IMPRS Lindau, 6.2.2003 How does it work? Solar Wind and Magnetic Substorms

7 IMPRS Lindau, 6.2.2003 Source: motion of solar plasmas Solar plasma convection: Dynamo effect -> magnetic fields Dynamo effect -> magnetic fields Flows -> upward Poynting flux Flows -> upward Poynting flux Estimated energy fluxes: Active regions (0.5 -1) 104 W m-2 Quiet regions 300 W m -2 Coronal holes 800 W m -2

8 IMPRS Lindau, 6.2.2003 Typical dimensionless parameters If: L – Geometrical scale, n – Number density; T j – Temperature and B – Magnetic field, then: Ion-gyro radius: Mean-free path: Dreicer-field If E A > E D collisions don‘t prevent runaway: collisionless! << Magnetic Reynolds number E = v B ~

9 IMPRS Lindau, 6.2.2003 Typical values R m > 1 >> 1 >>>1

10 IMPRS Lindau, 6.2.2003 Force-free approximation 04:20 18.10.96 04:40 i.e. Currents flow only parallel to the magnetic field ->

11 IMPRS Lindau, 6.2.2003 Ideal MHD (magnetohydrodynamics) E + v x B=0 -> „ideal“ magnetohydrodynamics, i.e. magnetic flux and plasma move together E + v x B=0 -> „ideal“ magnetohydrodynamics, i.e. magnetic flux and plasma move together SOHO-MDI photospheric B fields on 17./18.10.1996 60“, 23Mm

12 IMPRS Lindau, 6.2.2003 MHD Simulation mit Dissipation und Neutralgas- Stößen Non-ideal MHD simulations

13 IMPRS Lindau, 6.2.2003 MHD Simulation mit Dissipation und Neutralgas- Stößen Non-ideal MHD simulations

14 IMPRS Lindau, 6.2.2003 MHD - simulations: example Eruptive magnetic Reconnection directly in the transition region The question remains open: what is the nature of dissipation? -> plasmakinetic investigation necessary

15 IMPRS Lindau, 6.2.2003 Next order - smaller - scales Electron equation of motion (“Ohm’s law”): Below c/  pi electrons and ions decouple, i.e. electrons are magnetized, ions not -> Plasma- Hall- Effect Below c/  pe : Electrons demagnetized as well c/  pi c/  pe ee <- Scales Electron inertia Whistler waves kinetic Alfven waves <- Effects

16 IMPRS Lindau, 6.2.2003 Crucial point: current sheets

17 IMPRS Lindau, 6.2.2003 Hall currents in current sheets (Thin current sheet with  io ~> L)

18 IMPRS Lindau, 6.2.2003 Vlasov-code kinetic Simulation

19 IMPRS Lindau, 6.2.2003 From microscopic fluctuations and turbulence to a global instability: TIME

20 IMPRS Lindau, 6.2.2003 From microscopic fluctuations and turbulence to global instability: From microscopic fluctuations and turbulence to global instability: SPACE

21 IMPRS Lindau, 6.2.2003 Current sheet decay : from microscopic fluctuations to global instability

22 IMPRS Lindau, 6.2.2003 Microscopic dissipation Ionen distribution in the current direction Electron distribution in the current direction Ions drive waves → plateau - formation → electron-heating

23 IMPRS Lindau, 6.2.2003 Current reduction -> disspation Ion distribution function Electron distribution function

24 IMPRS Lindau, 6.2.2003 3D current instability Plasma density wave

25 IMPRS Lindau, 6.2.2003 Transition to reconnection

26 IMPRS Lindau, 6.2.2003 3D magnetic reconnection

27 IMPRS Lindau, 6.2.2003 State of the art: global MHD models

28 IMPRS Lindau, 6.2.2003 Multiscale processes in complex system -> plasma simulations necessary

29 IMPRS Lindau, 6.2.2003 Comparison with observations International program „Living With a Star“ (ILWS) International program „Living With a Star“ (ILWS) Missions 2006-08: SUNRISE, STEREO, MMS, SDO... Missions 2006-08: SUNRISE, STEREO, MMS, SDO... South Pole Sitter L2L2

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