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Target Tracking Spotlight (TTS) Maureen Desi Joel Douglass Rajiv Iyer Dennis Trimarchi Group 6.

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Presentation on theme: "Target Tracking Spotlight (TTS) Maureen Desi Joel Douglass Rajiv Iyer Dennis Trimarchi Group 6."— Presentation transcript:

1 Target Tracking Spotlight (TTS) Maureen Desi Joel Douglass Rajiv Iyer Dennis Trimarchi Group 6

2 Introduction What:Target illumination system that controls a spotlight which is mounted on a stationary or moving object. Why:Accuracy, Economic Savings Who:Law Enforcement, Entertainment Industry

3 Project Goal & Objectives Objective:Design a system to control a spotlight mounted on the pan-tilt platform so that it can follow and illuminate a moving target. Goal: Successfully track and illuminate a moving target

4 Original Design Specifications DescriptionValue Grid Length5 ft Grid Width5 ft Pan-Tilt Height (above grid) 5 ft Spotlight Maximum Weight 2.26 kg (5 lbs) Spotlight Diameter6 in Maximum Overshoot5 % (0.3 in) Pan Range of Motion± 27 ˚ Tilt Range of Motion± 27 ˚ Pan Speed1.88 rad/s (10 ft/s) Tilt Speed1.88 rad/s (10 ft/s) Maximum Receiver Range 2.15 m (7.07 ft)

5 Overall Design Approach Identify Part Specifications Simulation Order Parts System Construction and Programming Research Sensors System Construction Data Acquisition Program Simulation & Testing Testing (Parameter Identification) Phase I & Phase II Phase III Control Order Parts

6 Sensor System  Research & Order Parts  System Construction  Data Acquisition Program  Simulation &Testing

7 Research & Order Parts  Devantech SRF-04 Ultrasonic Ranger   Voltage: 5v only required   Current: 30mA Typ. 50mA Max.   Frequency: 40KHz   Max Range: 3 m   Min Range : 3 cm   Sensitivity: Detect a 3cm diameter stick at > 2 m   Echo Pulse: Positive TTL level signal, width proportional to range.   Small Size: 43mm x 20mm x 17mm

8 Research & Order Parts  Devantech SRF-04 Ultrasonic Ranger

9 System Construction Sensor Pair PIC ARCS Trigger Echo 8 bit Timer Address Bits

10 Data Acquisition Program


12 R1 R2

13 Data Acquisition Program

14 Simulation & Testing ValueDistance (ft) 230.5 411 581.5 792 922.5 1083 1243.5 1444 1604.5 1805

15 Simulation & Testing R1 R2 * Radius of Target is added to R1 and R2 x y

16 Control System  Order Parts  Simulation  System Construction & Programming  Testing  Phase I & II

17 Order Parts  Verified selected motors met specifications  Ran non-linear simulations to view torque and speed requirements  Compared data of different sized motors  Chose the best parts and placed the order

18 Option 1 Option 2 Option 1 Option 2

19 Simulation  Linearization of Dynamic Model  Experiment with Design Methods  Choose Simple PID Controller  Non-Linear Simulation of Dynamic Model

20 Motor 1 Motor 2 Motor 1 Motor 2

21 Linear vs. Non-linear

22 Outer Block Diagram

23 Demonstration Cases Block Diagram

24 Point to Point Case Block Diagram

25 Controller Block Diagram

26 Physical System Performance: Step Response

27 Physical System Performance: Sine Tracking

28 Demonstration

29 Specification Comparison DescriptionDesiredAchieved Grid Length5 ft Grid Height5 ft Pan-Tilt Height (above grid) 5 ft4.25 ft Spotlight Maximum Weight 2.26 kg (5 lbs).1008 kg Spotlight Diameter6 in Maximum Overshoot5 %2 % Pan Range of Motion± 27 ˚± 30˚ Tilt Range of Motion± 27 ˚± 30˚ Pan Speed1.88 rad/s (10 ft/s) Tilt Speed1.88 rad/s (10 ft/s) Maximum Receiver Range 2.15 m (7.07 ft)

30 Recommendations  Implement a Low Pass Filter  Use Trajectory Estimation Algorithm  Incorporate SRF04 Pairs  Use Higher Intensity Spotlight

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