A - MOST CHILDREN WILL … Recognise that there are many very small organisms which can cause illness or decay, or can be used in food production Recognise.

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Presentation on theme: "A - MOST CHILDREN WILL … Recognise that there are many very small organisms which can cause illness or decay, or can be used in food production Recognise."— Presentation transcript:


2 A - MOST CHILDREN WILL … Recognise that there are many very small organisms which can cause illness or decay, or can be used in food production Recognise that micro-organisms feed, grow and reproduce like other organisms B - SOME CHILDREN WILL… Recognise that very small living things can cause illness C - SOME CHILDREN WILL … Describe evidence that yeast is living Explain how micro-organisms can move from one food source to another and how this can cause food-poisoning


4 In 1796 Edward JENNER discovered how to make a vaccine to treat a disease called smallpox. He used a micro- organism called a virus.

5 Vaccines and vaccination help us to treat people. Healthy people are given a tiny, but safe, dose of a usually harmful germ. This causes the body to produce ANTIBODIES against a disease. This is known as IMMUNISATION

6 In France in the 1800’s a scientist called Louis Pasteur explored diseases caused by micro-organisms.

7 Some micro- organisms help us and some harm us.



10 The banana is peeled. The peel is yellow and it looks white inside. It is ripe and ready to eat!

11 The peel has gone darker, the inside is going yellow and it is starting to rot.

12 The peel has gone brown and now the inside is going brown too. It is really looking bad and you wouldn’t want to eat it!

13 Now the peel has gone black and curled up, it is much smaller and drier. The inside is going darker and mushy. The banana is attracting flies and you really wouldn’t eat it now!!!

14 Now the peel has really shrivelled up, the inside is dry and wrinkly and it smells!

15 It is almost all black and it is much smaller than 2 weeks ago.

16 How long does it take for vegetable and plant waste to become soil? When a living thing dies, it DECAYS Micro-organisms, such as bacteria and fungi, help to rot dead plants and animals.

17 How many people have a compost bin at home?






23 What is ……?

24 Yeast is a … SINGLE - CELLED

25 The breeds

26 Why do we use… ?

27 … is used to make dough rise. It is a ….. raising agent

28 Which bread Has been made with YEAST ?


30 How does … Work ?

31 wheat and barley have in them

32 Ferments the sugar in the wheat or barley Multiplies by splitting into new cells Consumes the sugar and Converts it into Carbon Dioxide & alcohol

33 When the bread is baked the yeast is killed by the heat. … and the bread rises The carbon dioxide expands

34 Who uses ….. ?

35 Bakers mix yeast with flour, water and sugar


37 How can micro-organisms help to make bread?

38 YEAST is a micro-organism we use to make bread. It starts growing when it has sugar to feed on. It gives off a gas when it grows.

39 What do you think is happening inside the balloon?

40 www.nicebuns.co.uk

41 Other foods and drinks are made using micro- organisms too!

42 Food needs to be handled and stored with care!

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