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Good Relations and the CEHR A seminar organised by the Equality and Diversity Forum 8 May 2006 Patrick Grattan, Secretary, EDF Sarah Spencer, Chair, EDF.

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Presentation on theme: "Good Relations and the CEHR A seminar organised by the Equality and Diversity Forum 8 May 2006 Patrick Grattan, Secretary, EDF Sarah Spencer, Chair, EDF."— Presentation transcript:

1 Good Relations and the CEHR A seminar organised by the Equality and Diversity Forum 8 May 2006 Patrick Grattan, Secretary, EDF Sarah Spencer, Chair, EDF

2 The CEHR and Good relations Equality and human rights: 99% of focus so far Also duty promote “good relations” What is the connection? What is meant by good relations? What is the problem to be fixed? What is the role of CEHR in fixing it?

3 Background Inherit CRE duty “good relations between people of different racial groups” Marginalise or broaden that role in new body? Relevance faith groups clear CRE broad interpretation: challenge stereotypes, prejudice; promote respect, belonging, cooperation, security: relevant others DDA 2005 duty public bodies: promote positive attitudes & participation Equality laws already include ‘harassment’

4 Equality Act requires CEHR to … Promote understanding importance good relations - between members of groups and with others Encourage good practice Tackle prejudice, hatred, hostility Increase participation in society ‘Group’ = share common age, disability, gender, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, or sexual orientation Required priority: race, religion and belief

5 Disseminate ideas, information Research, education Conduct Inquiries Codes of Practice - equality law Grants Conciliation service Support individual cases Promote activities involving group members Enforce public sector duties Monitor hate crime Monitor and report on progress on community relations Relevant powers and duties

6 CEHR needs to decide How to broadly define ‘community relations’ What it means in relation to age, gender, sexual orientation, faith, belief… What are causes ‘poor relations’ What should be priorities for action Who is already making contribution - in public, voluntary & private sectors What are the gaps CEHR could fill

7 Characteristics of good relations Attitudes Expectations Participation Inter-action Belonging Co-operation Safety Respect

8 Scope and breadth of good relations (1) Public and private spaces; Individuals and groups; Within institutions; Good relations and poor relations; Inter/intra strand, ”everyone”; 6 strands and Human Rights;

9 Scope and breadth of good relations (2) Age: reducing isolation, neglect, fear Disability: tackling discouragement, status, participation Gender: domestic violence Sexual orientation: individual, hidden Multiple dimensions

10 Action on good relations Leadership, advice, expertise, promotion Impact of legislation Monitoring and measuring Consulting, sharing Grant making Media and politics Bridge building, conflict prevention/resolution.

11 Is ‘community relations’ relevant all strands? Complement or barrier to equality work? Will human rights framework be helpful? What are priority issues and interventions? Can CEHR do it all? Any potential conflicts of interest? Additional body needed for some roles? What structure - national and local - needed? What skill sets? Networks? Collaboration? What implication CRE not join until 2009? Questions for discussion

12 Good Relations and the CEHR Elise Clarke Head of Secretariat, Commission on Faith Home Office’s Cohesion and Faiths Unit

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