1 Participles 1 Grammar and Vocabulary Ⅱ October 11, 2011.

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1 1 Participles 1 Grammar and Vocabulary Ⅱ October 11, 2011

2 2 The Best Countries in the World In NEWSWEEK’s first-ever Best Countries special issue, we set out to answer a question that is at once simple and incredibly complex— if you were born today, which country would provide you the very best opportunity to live a healthy, safe, reasonably prosperous, and upwardly mobile life? Many organizations measure various aspects of national competitiveness. But none attempt to put them all together.

3 prosperous → 栄える、繁栄する upwardly mobile → 社会的・金銭的に上向きの、将来性豊か な competitiveness → 競争力のあること 3

4 4 For this special survey, then, NEWSWEEK chose five categories of national well-being -- education, health, quality of life, economic competitiveness, and political environment - - and compiled metrics within these categories across 100 nations. A weighted formula yielded an overall list of the world’s top 100 countries (for a look at the exact data points we used and how we weighted them, as well as how each country did across the various categories, check out newsweek.com).

5 1. Finland 2. Switzerland 3. Sweden 4. Australia 5. Luxembourg 6. Norway 7. Canada 8. Netherlands 9. Japan 10. Denmark 11. United States 12. Germany 13. New Zealand 14. United Kingdom 15. South Korea 16. France 17. Ireland 18. Austria 19. Belgium 20. Singapore 5

6 6 Participles Present participles (現在分詞) e.g., having, taking, swimming, leaving Past participles (過去分詞) e.g., had, taken, swum, left

7 7 形容詞的用法 Have you ever seen a burning house? He never killed an animal living in the wild land. There were no printed books in those days. The language spoken in Australia is English.

8 8 分詞構文 Walking along the street, I met a friend. Written in easy English, the book will be read by many people. Turning to the left, you will find our school. She wrote him a friendly letter, thanking him for his help.

9 分詞構文とは 分詞が時、理由、条件、その他を表す 副詞節と同じような意味に用いられる とき、分詞を含む構文を分詞構文と呼 ぶ

10 10 Exercise 2 (1) Grandfather is (read/reads/reading) a newspaper. ⇒ reading (2) I have (be/being/been) here for three hours. ⇒ been (3) Professor Lee is a (walk/to walk/walking) dictionary. ⇒ walking

11 11 (4) Those vending machines are (break/broke/broken). ⇒ broken (5) Look at that (laugh/to laugh/laughing) lady. ⇒ laughing (6) (Tell/To tell/Told) the truth, the rumor is false. ⇒ To tell

12 12 (7) After (have/to have/having) breakfast, we left home at eight. ⇒ having (8) I went (fish/to fish/fishing) with my father. ⇒ fishing

13 13 Grammar Challenge '-ed' and '-ing' adjectives “Do you sometimes get confused about whether to use an adjective ending in '-ing' or '-ed'? Don't worry, lots of people have trouble with these words….” http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/lear ningenglish/radio/specials/934_gramc hallenge3/

14 14 Take good care of yourself!

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