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Probabilistic Contextual Skylines D. Sacharidis 1, A. Arvanitis 12, T. Sellis 12 1 Institute for the Management of Information Systems — “Athena” R.C.,

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Presentation on theme: "Probabilistic Contextual Skylines D. Sacharidis 1, A. Arvanitis 12, T. Sellis 12 1 Institute for the Management of Information Systems — “Athena” R.C.,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Probabilistic Contextual Skylines D. Sacharidis 1, A. Arvanitis 12, T. Sellis 12 1 Institute for the Management of Information Systems — “Athena” R.C., Greece 2 National Technical University of Athens, Greece

2 static vs. dynamic skyline (another) hotels example Price and Distance are Statically Preferred (SP) attributes with fixed preferences: lower is better Ignore Amenity (assume all amenities are equally preferable) h 4 and h 5 are in the static skyline Amenity is a Relatively Preferred (RP) attribute, preferences are defined per query h 3, h 4 and h 5 are in the dynamic skyline

3 contextual skyline just like dynamic skyline, but preferences are associated with some context what if no preferences are specified for the current context? two issues: can we extract them from previous situations? what does it mean to be in the skyline?

4 extract preferences key idea is to combine preferences from similar contexts to the current first assess the similarity between the current context C q and all past contexts C j : contexts may have conflicting preferences, and we model uncertainty with probabilities value u is better than v for the context C i with some probability probabilities can be extracted based on context similarities

5 probabilistic contextual skylines dominance relationships are uncertain (assuming independence among attributes) tuple t dominates t’ for the context C i with probability the skyline probability of a tuple is defined as probabilistic contextual skyline query, p-CSQ, returns all tuples with

6 example skyline probability (1) (2) (3)

7 non-indexed algorithms (1/2) for RP attributes (unlike standard and tuple-probabilistic skylines) no monotonic visit order exists transitivity is not preserved we have to apply BNL-like methods (not SFS, BBS, etc.) Basic Iterative Algorithm (BIA) for each tuple scan the database and compute skyline probability (abort when below threshold)

8 non-indexed algorithms (2/2) Candidate Selection Algorithm (CSA) it identifies candidates group tuples by their values on the RP attributes tuples that are dominated in an RP-group have 0 probability tuples that are in the skyline w.r.t. only the SP attributes have probability 1 CSA applies BIA only for the candidates (needs to check them against all tuples, though)

9 index-based algorithms (1/3) the algorithms only consider the candidates Basic Group Counting (BGC) idea: tuples in an RP group that dominate a candidate t contribute the same probability use COUNT aR-tree per RP group but, don’t just issue a range query per tree… we don’t care about the exact count if tuple’s probability is below threshold instead visit nodes from all trees in parallel and use a single priority queue the node from the tree which has the highest expected probability of dominating tuple t has the largest priority

10 index-based algorithms (2/3) Super Group Counting (SGC) there can be a lot of RP groups with only a few tuples to mitigate this, assign groups to super groups use a GROUP-COUNT aR-tree per super-group entry: where c[g j ] is the number of tuples beneath node e i that belong to the j-th group same algorithm as BGC… you only need to redefine the expected dominance probability to take into account multiple groups

11 index-based algorithms (3/3) Batch Counting Algorithm (BCA) all previous algorithms compute the skyline probability of one tuple at a time BCA examines candidates in batches (as many as fit in memory) extra bookkeeping with each heap entry to avoid double counting e 1 is deheaped e 1 + dominates t 1 but not t 2 entire e 1 contributes to t 1, but for t 2 we need to expand e 1 and enheap its children e 2, e 3 also remember e 1 + with e 2, e 3

12 Experiments Non-indexed BIA, CSA Index-based SGC, BCA

13 Total Time vs. Dataset Cardinality Non-indexed BIA, CSA Index-based SGC, BCA

14 Total Time vs. RP domain size Non-indexed CSA Index-based SGC, BCA

15 Total Time vs. Dimensionality Non-indexed CSA Index-based SGC, BCA

16 thank you!

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