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Introduction to Onset Detection Functions HAO-HSUN LI 1/30.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Onset Detection Functions HAO-HSUN LI 1/30."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Onset Detection Functions HAO-HSUN LI 1/30

2 Onset Detection  Onset ◦The beginning of a musical note or other sound ◦The amplitude rises from zero to an initial peak  Onset Detection Function ◦Function peaks coincide with onsets ◦Various methods exist 2/30

3 Short-Time Fourier Transform 3/30

4 Onset Detection Function 4/30

5 Onset Detection Function 5/30

6 Onset Detection Function 6/30

7 Onset Detection Function 7/30

8 Onset Detection Function 8/30

9 Onset Detection Function  Weighted Phase Deviation ◦Considers magnitude and phase jointly ◦Significant improvement  Normalized Weighted Phase Deviation 9/30

10 Onset Detection Function 10/30

11 Onset Detection Function  Rectified Complex Domain ◦CD does not distinguish between increases and decreases in amplitude ◦Onsets versus offsets 11/30

12 Onset Detection Function 12/30

13 Onset Detection Function 13/30

14 References  Bello, J. P., Daudet, L., Abdallah, S., Duxbury, C., Davies, M., & Sandler, M. B. (2005). A tutorial on onset detection in music signals. Speech and Audio Processing, IEEE Transactions on, 13(5), 1035-1047.  Dixon, S. (2006, September). Onset detection revisited. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (Vol. 120, pp. 133-137).  Hainsworth, S., & Macleod, M. (2003, September). Onset detection in musical audio signals. In Proc. Int. Computer Music Conference (pp. 163-6).  Brossier, P. M. (2006). Automatic annotation of musical audio for interactive applications (Doctoral dissertation). 14/30

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