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Activity 1.6 Depreciation. In your groups… Read page 51 Complete exercises 1 and 2 in your groups Don’t forget –Average rate of change is –UNITS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Presentation on theme: "Activity 1.6 Depreciation. In your groups… Read page 51 Complete exercises 1 and 2 in your groups Don’t forget –Average rate of change is –UNITS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Activity 1.6 Depreciation

2 In your groups… Read page 51 Complete exercises 1 and 2 in your groups Don’t forget –Average rate of change is –UNITS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3 Definition A linear function always has a constant average rate of change Answer question 3 in your groups Work on problem 4 in your groups

4 Definition We call the constant average rate of change the slope of the line If x represents the input variable and y represents the output variable, than the slope m is given by Answer question 5 in your groups

5 Definition The point where the graph crosses (or intercepts) the vertical axis is called the vertical intercept –The input value of a vertical intercept is always zero –Often we refer to it as the y-intercept since we typically refer to the vertical axis as the y-axis In your groups do problems 6, 7 and 8

6 Definition Linear functions are most commonly written as y = b + mx or y = mx + b where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept –This is called the slope intercept form of the equation of a line –Using our function notation this can also be written as f(x) = mx + b Do problem 9 in your groups

7 Definition The horizontal intercept is where the graph crosses (or intercepts) the x-axis –The output value is always zero at this point –These are sometimes referred to as the zeros or the roots of a function –When the input variable is represented by x we call this the x-intercept Read example two and discuss solution in your groups Do problems 10 and 11

8 Cluster Practice Work on Cluster 1 on page 37 Work on problems 1-14

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