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Engaging Visitors in Nanotechnology & Society

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Presentation on theme: "Engaging Visitors in Nanotechnology & Society"— Presentation transcript:

1 Engaging Visitors in Nanotechnology & Society

2 Day 2 Agenda (up to the break) “Questions” improv exercise Intro to team-based inquiry Tools for reflecting on visitor interactions Practice observing and collecting data “Flying Cars” activity Big idea 3: Technologies work because they’re part of systems “Light Switch” discussion “Speed Bump” video Practice “Flying Cars”

3 Improv Exercise Questions What skills are we practicing in this activity?

4 4 Scientific Inquiry 1. Observe 2. Hypothesize 3. Investigate 4. Interpret 5. Disseminate

5 5 Professional Inquiry 1. Question 2. Investigate 3. Reflect 4. Improve

6 Team-Based Inquiry Team-based inquiry allows us to gather and use the information we need, when we need it, in order to improve our educational products and practices. 1. Question 2. Investigate 3. Reflect 4. Improve

7 “Horton Hears a Who” Data collection Observations of participants Surveys with caregivers and parents Debrief with program developers Lessons learned Program works best for ages 3-5 Prompt participation during the story Does the program engage young children? How could it be improved?

8 NanoDays 2012 Posters Data collection Interviews with 30 visitors at three museums Informal observations by team Debrief with educators Lessons learned Visitors liked the graphics and suggested improvements Educators felt graphics attracted attention and defined space Are educational posters worth including in the NanoDays 2012 kit?

9 Nano and Society TBI 1. Question 2. Investigate 3. Reflect 4. Improve 1. What strategies support engagement and learning? 2. Use the conversation log to document interactions. 3. Review the logs with others and identify patterns. 4. Identify successful strategies and develop new techniques.

10 Conversations

11 Conversation Log

12 Data Reflection Resources

13 Practice TBI Exploring Nano & Society—You Decide

14 Nano & Society Big Ideas 1.Values shape technologies. 2.Technologies affect social relationships. 3.Technologies work because they’re part of systems.

15 Systems Technologies work because they’re part of larger systems.

16 Systems Technologies work because they’re part of larger systems.

17 Conversations about Systems Exploring Nano & Society—Flying Cars

18 Day 2 Agenda (after the break) “Alien Scientist” improv exercise “Decisions in Innovation Systems” discussion “Tippy Table” activity “Decisions in Personal Lives” video

19 Improv Exercise Alien Scientist What skills are we practicing in this activity?

20 Nano & Society Big Ideas 1.Values shape technologies. 2.Technologies affect social relationships. 3.Technologies work because they’re part of systems.

21 Decisions in Innovation Systems

22 Decisions in Personal Lives

23 Conversations about Decisions Exploring Nano & Society—Tippy Table

24 This presentation is based on work supported by the National Science Foundation under Award Nos. 0940143 and 0937591. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this presentation are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Foundation.

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