Principles of Surgery EFE Veterinary Science. For best surgical outcomes Minimize contaminationMinimize blood loss Minimize surgical timeStable anesthetic.

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Presentation on theme: "Principles of Surgery EFE Veterinary Science. For best surgical outcomes Minimize contaminationMinimize blood loss Minimize surgical timeStable anesthetic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Principles of Surgery EFE Veterinary Science

2 For best surgical outcomes Minimize contaminationMinimize blood loss Minimize surgical timeStable anesthetic Optimize tissue handlingPost-operative wound care

3 Your main role will be in Minimizing contamination! Both during and before surgery!

4 Routine cleaning makes sterile surgery possible! Dust, dirt and debris in the surgery room cause contamination, infection and poor surgical outcomes!

5 Instruments must be cleaned after every use

6 Clean instruments are wrapped For steriliztion in the autoclave

7 Wrap keeps the contents sterile

8 Packs are dated and labelled And indicator tape is applied

9 Use caution When venting, opening and removing packs from the autoclave. Steam is HOT!

10 When sterile, the indicator tape changes color

11 After autoclaving, the interior of the pack is sterile No one but the sterilely gloved surgeon may touch these!

12 The team dons their caps and masks Which keep hairs and nose and mouth germs out of the surgical sites.

13 The surgeon scrubs in With disinfectant soap and a brush, to the elbows, for 10 miinutes

14 Touching only the inside, The surgeon gowns….

15 …and gloves Ensuring that the outer surfaces of gown and gloves remain sterile

16 The surgeon can now only touch what is sterile And other team members may not touch anything sterile!

17 Packs and other items must now be opened Without contaminating the contents. The assistant must not touch the interior of the pack nor the drapes or the front of the surgeon.

18 Drapes are unfolded without touching the front

19 And the operative site is draped off This prevents the sterile surgeon accidentally touching the dirty skin

20 Typically, anything covered in blue or green Is sterile, so DON’T TOUCH!!!

21 Surgery is performed Using good hemostasis and careful tissue handling

22 Bear in mind the crucial role of the anesthetist!! No anesthesia = no surgery Unsuccessful anesthesia = dead patient!

23 Once surgery is completed The patient is cleaned up, recovered, and eventually sent home

24 Now we depend upon aftercare! Owners must be carefully instructed in necessary aftercare, or surgery can still be a failure!

25 Successful surgical outcomes Create happy patients and happy clients!

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