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1 Salesian Education: Revealing God’s love to the young.

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1 1 Salesian Education: Revealing God’s love to the young

2 The twofold nature of salesian charism I believe that when we look at our original inspiration we would find again and again TWO common elements regarding the salesian charism… RELATIONSHIP EXPERIENCE

3 The twofold nature of the salesian charism RELATIONSHIP –The Spirit speaks through the relationship with God and Don Bosco –From that relationship there is a growing consciousness or sense of calling –There is a felt need to enable the relationship to happen in the lives of others –The on-going relationships then constantly reveals God’s presence

4 The twofold nature of founding charism EXPERIENCE –What is at work is the experience of God in the person –From that experience of God there is a mandate or mission –The mandate is to create the same experience of God for others –This experience of God is both individual and communal –The experience becomes God revealed







11 PREVENTIVE? Rather than implying something negative - to stop or hinder something - it expresses the intention of foreseeing and forestalling anything that would give rise to destructive experiences. This is more clearly seen when the derivation of 'preventive' is understood. It derives from the Latin pre-venire:'to precede', 'to anticipate', 'to go before’. It is a positive word.

12 THREE KEY WORDS FOR DON BOSCO The young person is drawn to goodness of their own free choice through Loving Kindness, Reason and exploring the mystery of their life as a Religious journey.

13 REASON In line with the optimistic humanism of St Francis de Sales, the term "Reason" refers to that whole range of activity which brings people to life and safety. "Reason" emphasizes basic values such as: 1.the freedom and dignity of the individual, 2.the primacy of conscience, the goodness of creation and culture, 3.the value of work and community living.

14 RELIGION While reason refers to human activity and human relationships, the second term of Don Bosco's trilogy, "Religion", indicates that his approach emerges from and is oriented towards relationship with God. Don Bosco did not make sharp distinctions between the 'sacred' and the 'secular,' but believed that the human life could not reach its fulfilment without a lived and lively spirituality based on the Gospel.

15 KINDNESS "Loving-kindness" is the most unique (perhaps, the most misunderstood) element in Don Bosco's system. Don Bosco used the Italian word "amorevolezza“. There is no English equivalent for this word and it is often simply translated as loving kindness. This can be misleading because the concept describes an act of the will, a choice to want the best for someone else. It describes love as a choice rather than a feeling.

16 An integration... A spirituality lived out through education… …a way of educating lived as spirituality.

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