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10th Grade World Literature

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1 10th Grade World Literature
History of Writing 10th Grade World Literature

2 Cuneiform in Mesopotamia: from 3100 BC
Means “wedge” Clay tablets Keeping track of animals/trade We are reading Epic of Gilgamesh

3 Hieroglyphs and papyrus in Egypt: from 3000 BC
directly pictorial hieros and glypho mean 'sacred' and 'engrave' in Greek (coined c. 500 BC)  Decrypted with the Rosetta stone the 19th century We are reading Egyptian Poetry

4 The seals of the Indus valley: from 2500 BC
Not yet deciphered Seals carved in stone

5 Chinese characters: from 1600 BC
Still in use today We are reading: The Analects Tao Te Ching The Art of War

6 Phoenician alphabet: from 1400 BC
recorded the spoken sound of a word (phonetic) Basis for Aramaic and Hebrew Only the consonants are written

7 Greek: from 700 BC Added vowels to the Phoenician system
Added letters to total 24 We are reading: Antigone The Dialogues of Plato Pyramus and Thisbe

8 Your Turn! Pick your ancient language Write!

9 Brief Timeline of Literature
c BC Babylon: Epic of Gilgamesh c BC India: Rig Veda c BC Palestine: Torah [1st 5 books Old Test.] c. 750 BC Greece: Iliad / Odyssey (Homer) c. 550 BC China: The Analects (Confucius) c. 500 BC China: Tao Te Ching (Lao Tzu) c. 460 BC Greece: Histories (Herodotus)

10 Brief History of Literature
441 BC Greece: Antigone (Sophocles) 423 BC Greece: Comedy (Aristophanes) c. 400 BC Greece: Dialogues (Plato) c. 400 BC China: The Art of War (Sun Tzu) c. 350 BC India: The Mahabharata c. 300 BC India: The Ramayana

11 Quick Write: What do you use to guide your everyday life? How do you know what is right and what is wrong? Finished? Turn to “The Analects” pg.591 in your purple Glencoe Textbook

12 The Analects and The Tao Te Ching: Maxims (short saying about general truth or practical advice)
The Analects pg. 591 The Tao Te Ching pg. 595 Read Pick 3 of your favorite “stanzas” and summarize Read Pick 3 of your favorite “stanzas” and summarize These were some of the first words written down. Why do you think these men chose to write? Consider your own moral guidelines. How do these compare? Do you agree with Confucius and Lao Tzu? Why or why not? These texts were written in the 6th century BC. Are these ideas still relevant today? Why or why not?

13 TOD Name the writing systems we discussed in chronological order. What came first, second, etc.? What were the main reasons that writing developed? Why write at all? Questions/Comments

14 Sun Tzu Documentary Write down 5 notes from the video
(4:34- 7:30) Write down 5 notes from the video

15 Review What was the Art of War originally written on?
Thin pieces of bamboo bound together What are the 3 key principles? Know your enemy and know yourself Subdue the enemy without fighting (outwit) Avoid what is strong and attack what is weak How long are Sun Tzu’s tactics kept secret? 1000 years (appears in Japan and then leaked worldwide)

16 Brainstorm Brainstorm a list of basic ideas for winning a war
Think about your enemy, your men and the people back home How do you conquer and return home victorious?

17 War and Love in Ancient China
The Art of War River Merchant’s Wife pg.600 What are the five constant factors to consider when planning a battle? Does Sun Tzu favor flexibility with planning? Which number indicates this? Cite in MLA format What examples does Sun Tzu give about knowing your enemy? How prepared should you be, according to Sun Tzu? How did the speaker feel about her husband: Childhood Marriage After marriage After he leaves Find a sentence that shows how the husband felt about leaving. Cite in MLA format Why would “paired butterflies” hurt the speaker? Consider the question from yesterday: “Why do people write?” What are Sun Tzu’s and Li Po’s purpose in writing? Connect! Are these text still relevant today? Why or why not?

18 TOD 5 notes from video
Li Po (Li Bai) Biography 5 notes from video

19 Brainstorm: What makes an epic hero?
Create a list of traits that you associate with heroes.

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