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12 34 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1617 18 19 20 21 2223 24 25 26 27 28 29 0.

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2 12 34 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

3 1617 18 19 20 21 2223 24 25 26 27 28 29 0

4 Billions- wee Millions- tastic Thounsands- tabulous Hundreds- finkle

5 Conversion of the National Debt to Base 30 11,961,859,927,461 -11,809,800,000,000 151,205,927,461 -131,220,000,000 20,839,927,461 -20,412,000,000 427,927,461 -413,100,000 14,827,961 -14,580,000 247,461 -243,300 4,461 - 3,600 861 -840 21 (18 x 30⁸) + (6 x 30⁷) + (28 x 30⁶) + (17 x 30⁵) + (18 x 30⁴) + (9 x 27000) + (4 x 900) + (28 x 30) + (21 x 1)

6 Our national debt currently is 11,961,859,927,461 Our national debt converted to base thirty is:

7 How much Mayo can you buy with our national debt? This is the Price of Mayo=

8 Total Jars of Mayo Converted to Base 30 2,990,464,981,870 -2,624,400,000,000 366,064,981,879 -349,920,000,000 16,144,981,870 -16,038,000,000 106,981,870 -97,200,000 9,818,170 -9,720,000 61,870 -54,000 7870 -7200 670 (4x30⁸) + (16 x 30⁷) + (22 x 30⁶) + (4 x 30⁵) + (12 x 30⁴) + (2 x 27,000) + (8 x 900) + (22 x 30) + 10 x 1

9 This ↑, is how many jars of you can buy with our current National debt.,, (2,990,464,981,870)

10 That many jars of mayo can create costly health travesties The average jar of mayo contains ↗ this many calories (1800)

11 If you multiply the jars we bought with the national debt by the number of calories we get the total calories,, X (1800)

12 5,382,836,967,370,000

13 5,382,836,967,370,000 - 5,314,000,000,000,000 61,842,697,370,000 -59,049,000,000,000 9,397,967,370,000 -9,185,400,000,000 2,215,673,730,000 -1,968,300,000,000 428,370,000 -413,100,000 15,270,000 -14,590,000 690,000 -675,000 15,000 ((9 x 30^10) + (3 x 30^9) + (14 x 30^8) + (9 x 30^7) + (21 x 30^6) + (17 x 30^5) + (18 x 30^4) + (25 x 30^3) + (16 x 30^2) + (20 x 30) +0)

14 ,,, (5,382,836,967,370,000) That many calories↑


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